Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Devil Now Owns California - Get Out While You Still Can!

California laws now mandate that ALL SCHOOLCHILDREN, whether in Public, Private or Church Schools be taught to promote homosexuality and other despicable acts!

What's next? The confiscation of children at birth for government brainwashing farms like the USSR??? The homosexual raping of our children? Open abominations in the street?

What are the next laws? Outlawing traditional God-fearing religions, including the Bible, the Torah and any religious scriptures, then burning down all the churches, synagogues and Temples, or converting them for pagan idolatry??


California usually sets precedent for national laws - the devil loving anarchists are backing us into a corner and daring us to fight our way out. . . will they be surprised when we do!

This may very well be the straw that, "Broke the Camel's Back!"

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