Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is America the Land of the Free?

I wrote that the Criminal Federal Government people are NO WHERE near DC at this most crucial time when Katrina's Sister, Irene is ready to destroy everything in her path, even Washington DC. They all are hiding under their desk or dinner table thousands of miles away shaking in their panties afraid to show themselves. They're pushing their responsibility off on the States like they always do when they don't want to be part of the disaster and then blame everybody else for the tragedy.

I found this ariticle that verifies what I say which was written by someone who is more recognized as a published writer that I am. Not that I'm not a published writer, I'm just not "WELL Known", yet my writings have been found in other States than the one in which I write or have written. :P

So here is what Bob Livingston had to say:

The President and all 535 members of Congress
take oaths to uphold and defend the
U.S. Constitution. One has to wonder how many
have ever read it. They certainly seem hell-bent
on disregarding it.

Article 1, Section 1 says all legislative powers
are vested in Congress, which consists of a Senate
and a House of Representatives. That’s apparently
no longer the case, although I can’t find where
that was legally changed through an Amendment.
The Environmental Protection Agency
believes it holds legislative power. According
to U.S. News & World Report: “Two new EPA
pollution regulations will slam the coal industry
so hard that hundreds of thousands of jobs will
be lost, and electric rates will skyrocket 11 per -
cent to over 23 percent, according to a new study
based on government data.”

There is no Constitutional authority for an
EPA, nor is there Constitutional authority for
Congress to cede its lawmaking powers to the
EPA. But apparently, Congress doesn't’t care.

To read more follow the link:

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