Friday, September 2, 2011

Slave, serf, or free man?

It is a truism that freedom is often surrendered for security. Much of Europe and places in the US are in flames because 'they' tried to take back some benefit or the other. Or at least that is the excuse. It doesn't seem to matter much what the actual match was, once the fuse is lit, the riot follows. A member of the current administration has stated that you should never let a crisis go to waste. In England, kids (some from rather well off homes) are in the midst of the looting and burning. A huge crises that the government is meeting on to discuss as I write. They will determine new laws to make sure this never happens again ... until next time!

Well, why not join in the fun? There is almost zero chance of being seriously hurt and they are entitled to full government support for all of their lives. Of course they never seem to think about where that support really comes from. If they do think about it, they just don't care. Even if caught they don't lose their benefits. It has happened here. Gangs in Wisconsin engaged in racial attacks (but not hate crimes because the victims are white, apparently) at the state fair. Helpless people pulled from cars and beaten almost to death because, one of the gang members said, it was safe to target the white fair goers.
Interestingly enough, this Sikh Temple was unmolested - - care to guess why? It is part of their religion to have a nice sharp blade with them. Actually from Wikipedia, the blade is a Kirpan, one of the 5 "K"s - "Kirpan - a strapped curved sword. Symbolizes the safety of all and the carrier's personal duty and responsibility as a Sikh to protect the innocent in the message of peace." Check out this link for a full explanation of the blade.

The point being, the rioters decided to give the temple a pass. A quick look at the photo shows why - the youngsters wouldn't be treated with kid gloves or zero retaliation. Interestingly enough, all the cameras in the UK are now being used to catch these punks. I am glad they may actually see some justice but it troubles me that so much of modern society, ours and others, feel entitled to what they haven't worked to obtain. Secondly, I am very concerned that the cameras that spy on everyone, all the time, are so capable that these kids are being located. Finally, I note that there is a run on baseball bats in the UK since they can't have guns.

Slaves have no weapons at all. Serfs may have a club to use against the marauding horde of sociopath children they have bred. The free man, and in England the Sikhs are free men, have weapons to defend themselves and their loved ones. Were they citizens instead of subjects, they would have guns and the riots might have ended in a few hours, not lasted days.

The question for tomorrow is just how much freedom will the people of England be willing to surrender so that they can be "safe" from the riots? How much further must the US go down that road before it happens in large areas here and martial law is declared? What are you ready to surrender for safety?

Apparently the poet was wrong. The world doesn't end with a whimper; it ends with a conflagration and the noise of rioting.

By Captain Bart
"The Future Belongs to Those Who Prepare"

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