Not enough can be said about these Muslims being allowed to whoop and holler on Federal Property, but it's about to explode. Christians aren't allowed to even say a prayer on Federal Property, yet these Muslims, enemies of American are granted permission with no questions asked. WHY??
The Christians here in America apparently don't seem to care one way or another, and that's ashamed. One day we Americans will all wake up and find that we will have to accept their demon or die, and I know that all of the pantywaist will surrender while the rest of us Red Blooded Americans will fight for our rights.
Obama has already begun to take our rights away and most of the losers in American don't care because they've already been brainwashed by listening to the lies of Obama and his Criminal Staff.
Being brainwashed is worse that water boarding. In water boarding one at least has their mind to think and reason with afterwards, but with brainwashing, you're an idiot standing. You have forfeited all of your rights to walk as a zombie for your new master. Therefore, BE WARNED!!
Read this report from CNN and you be the judge.
Muslims observe day of prayer in Washington -
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