Saturday, August 29, 2009

Teddy the Unsung Rant

A look at Teddy and what I see will most likely not be seen by others because of their biasness. But let’s see what I have found in my listening and searching.

Teddy Kennedy entered Harvard College in May 1951. Kennedy wanting to make sure that he had a shoe in the door for whatever he wanted, had a friend who knew the Spanish language better than what Teddy knew, for whatever reasons that he was uncomfortable with knowing the ABC’s of it all, had friend who took the examination for him. Both he and Teddy were quickly caught and expelled from Harvard.

Upon being expelled, Teddy enlisted in the US Army in June 1951 and was discharged in March 1953 as a private first class. What a great accomplishment this was for a son of such great stature, Joseph Kennedy.

Well Teddy, great as he was and at his best in my opinion was a loser like mostly all democrats. Now that’s according to ME as I measure Teddy and the Democrats to myself, and what I have accomplished without that Silver Spoon stuck in an unnamed orifice, where ever that may be.

T Kennedy's "favorite topics of humor was, indeed, Chappaquiddick." said Edward Klein, Teddy’s Biographer. That sounds like a true Democrat and KKK member to me.

Why do I associate the Democrats with the KKK? Well, if one has the initiative to look it up, one will find that it was the Southern Democrats who where the major proponents of slavery and didn’t want to give it up without a fight, thus the Civil War.

Today the Democratic Party hides Robert Byrd, a former KKK Grand Goober or whatever those mask-less hoods hid from sight, sits grand in the Party untried for crimes against the Black People in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Anyway back to the “soul of the democratic party”, HA! It was said that the Kennedy Bus or Limo or whatever Silver-Studded thing he ride his last ride in will roll towards Arlington Cemetery for burial; however, I always thought that it was for Fallen Soldiers not crooked politicians who were conflict dodgers like Teddy.

You see, he didn't see the Korean Combat, because of Daddy. Therefore, to me Teddy is a Loser.

So, either Teddy can't be laid to rest next to JFK and RFK because he was a lying liberal democrat or they, his dead brothers, don't want to be associated with him. Well all of them are dead and forgotten so we won't know the truth, and that’s how it is with the liberal left Democrats, as usual.

At Capitol Hill, we will all become Christians now all because of Teddy passing by, but when it's said and done, we’re are hypocrites again. Obama help me understand your liberal lies.

At least I don’t pretend like these commie democrats do with their hypocritical selves. They open their mouth and the lie begins. Politician, I guess means liar.

Is being a religious hypocrite part of this, too. A prayer is to be said at a government building as it goes to Arlington? ALL DEMOCRATS ARE LIARS, for they only want what they want and everybody else can go stick it to themselves. Sticking to themselves like the poor kindergarten kids will be doing soon in class as they learn what sex is all about, first hand, with hands on the real parts. Don't believe me? Goggle it.

It’s said that Teddy had extended the ladder of opportunity to many of the disadvantaged ones who had less than he.

That’s strange, because I was disadvantaged and I never got anything like what Teddy was supposed to be giving out. Remember Teddy was from Cape Cod, rich man’s heaven, while the rest of us unfortunate lived in poor man’s hell.

The only ladder of opportunity is where Teddy stepped on the backs of the blacks and the poor just like Obama is doing today. All democrats are the same. They've never changed from the days when the KKK ruled the party. A lie you say? Look it up, but in doing so, stay away from the liberal left's schooling and look toward the Radical Right who were the Abolitionist.

The Abolitionist were those who believed in freedom for all minorities: blacks, women, children, poor, downtrodden, and on and on; but listen to the Democrats and one would think that they were the Champions. HA!! They are LIARS.

With all of the talk of how Teddy made things better for those in the world is bull. Too bad Teddy didn’t learn anything except for the lies he was told and believed, and for certain, Obama ain't gonna learn anything from any of his mistakes nor can or could any of them make it a better world in which to live. I say this because Socialism and Communism are both failures. Capitalism is the only system that works.

As Obama speaks at the Teddy’s funeral, my question is, what does Obama know about faith and the light with which he speaks when with his lying commie religious upbringing he never heard truth? All he heard was how bad the white man was and what the black’s need to do to overthrow the white race, so they could achieve greatness.

It seems that Obama was out of place at Teddy's funeral service. No racist hatred was spewed forth.

Teddy was nothing for the people, but only how he could make a name for himself and womanize another poor woman. He certainly was not a lion, but only a loud mouth, hateful democrat.

And that’s my opinion, take it or leave it.