Sunday, June 2, 2013

Teddy the Unsung Rant

Kennedy entered Harvard College in May 1951. Kennedy had a friend who knew the Spanish language who took the examination for him. He was quickly caught and expelled. Kennedy enlisted in the US Army in June 1951 discharged in March 1953 as a private first class. Kennedy, great as he was and at his best – a loser like mostly all democrats. According to ME.

Kennedy's "favorite topics of humor was, indeed, Chappaquiddick." said Edward Klein, Biographer. Sounds like a true Democrat and KKK member to me.

The Kennedy Bus will roll towards Arlington for burial however, it is for Fallen Soldiers not Politicians who were conflict dodgers like Teddy He didn't see Korean Combat, because of Daddy. To me Teddy is a Loser.

So, Teddy can't be laid to rest next to JFK and RFK because he was a lying liberal democrat or they don't wanna be associated with Teddy? Well all are dead and forgotten so we can't know the truth.

At Capitol Hill, lets all now be Christians, but when it's over we are hyprocrits again? Obama help me understand your liberal lies.

At least I dont pretend like these commie democrats do with their hypocritic selves. They open their mouth and the lie begins. Politician, I guess means liar.

Is being a religious hypocrite part of this, too. A prayer to be said at a govt building as it goes to Arlington? ALL DEMOCRATS ARE LIARS, for they only want what they want and everybody else can go stick it to themselves. Sticking to themselves like the poor kindergarten kids will be doing soon in class as they learn what sex is all about, first hand, with hands on the real parts. Don't beleive me? Goggle it.

The only ladder of opportuinity is where Teddy stepped on the backs of the blacks and the poor just like Obama is doing today. All democrats are the same. They've never changed from the days when the KKK ruled the party. A lie you say? Look it up, but in doing so, stay away from the liberal left's schooling and look toward the Radical Right who were the Abolitionist.

To bad Teddy and Obama ain't gonna learn anything from any of their mistakes nor can or could any of them make it a better world in which to live.

As Obama speaks at the funeral, my question is, what does Obama know about faith and the light with his lying commie religious upbringing always hearing truth? Seems that he was out of place at Teddy's funeral service. No racist hatred was spued forth.

Teddy was nothing for the people certainly not a lion, but a loud mouth hateful democrat.

Seals Die In A Helicopter That Was Shot Down

I believe that this incident was an inside job by our government and you'll see what I mean as you read what the wire news said and by what I point out, and from my conclusion of what will happen. HOWEVER, I could be wrong, since these glasses that I wear -- these High Definitions glasses -- could be tainted just a little, but I've see this scenario played out before by our previous Crooked Political Administrations.

This was the headline news from CNN:

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — The U.S. military was reeling Saturday after a helicopter went down in eastern Afghanistan, killing 31 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALs, a U.S. military official told CNN Saturday.

Notice what it says here, "a U.S. military official told..." Who is this military official? Why is he anonymous? Will this person play a role later in this incident? We'll see.

In the single deadliest incident since the start of the decade-long Afghan war, an Army Chinook carrying a team of U.S. special forces and U.S. and Afghan soldiers went down in Wardak province. Insurgents are believed to have shot down the helicopter, the military official said.

Here we are again with an anonymous military official giving information about "Insurgents shooting down this helicopter..." How does this military official know it was done by "Insurgents?" We heard some chatter about the enemy Insurgents claiming responsibility, but then again, who believes what the enemy has to say. They're all liars, and if the weren't they wouldn't have their faces covered. What are they trying to hid? If you cover your face with a rag and you say something, it means that you don't want to become known and get caught,thus you become a liar by hiding and make statements that might not be the truth. A liar always hides what he or she doesn't want known about them to throw off those who are looking for them.

The majority of the Navy SEALs who died belonged to the same covert unit that conducted the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May, though they were not the same men, the official said.

Here's some truth that someone in our government wants to prove to us about what had happened and that it is true: "The majority of the Navy SEALs who died belonged to the same covert unit..." Interesting. What did these Seals know? Why were these Seals in a helicopter that didn't have any armament? Who knew the route that they were taking? How did the enemy know when and where this helicopter would be so it could be destroyed?

President Barack Obama mourned the deaths of the American troops, saying in a statement that the crash serves as a reminder of the "extraordinary sacrifices" being made by the U.S. military and its families. He said he also mourned "the Afghans who died alongside our troops."

"President Barack Obama mourned...?" I can't see an Enemy of the State mourning for someone he or she hates, especially America's finest -- Seal Team Six.

Do you want to know what I think happened? I think that this Seal Team was killed to prevent them from bringing to light some of the intelligence about what had taken place in the supposedly killing of Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden's body was never seen by anybody before it was supposedly dumped in the ocean, IF it was ever dumped and/or if he was ever killed.

I believe that these Seals were killed so that down the road,the truth would not surface as to where Bin Laden went and why he was removed. After all, isn't it stated by many that Obama is a muslim too? Isn't it known that Obama has CIA connections with special favors for life?

I think that sometime down the road, the person that caused this helicopter to explode and killing all aboard will also meet the same fate, because he or she is a loose end that needs to be silenced by another covert agent who will also die a strange death.

That's how the Mob does things, that is, until the last loose end is removed or tied and there's no evidence tracing the incident back to the originator of the scheme...The President of the United States. The Enemy of the State.