Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Domestic Enemy

We as Oath Keepers at one time or another swore or affirmed our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, did we not?

So, I decided to find out what a particular phrase in this oath meant to the people who swore this oath.

My question was presented to active and retired firefighters, EMTs, law enforcement, military, politicians, civilians and to women who were not associated with the above groups.

It was amazing to hear the answers to my question, and that one would think that the enemy could be recognized hands down.

My question was, “Who is a domestic enemy?”

Most of the answers were on the order of: Anyone who lives within the borders of the United States and tries to disrupt or take over our government (most of the groups of the ‘alphabet soup’ came into play with this explanation).

Other explanations were along the same line of thought where a person or persons become a threat to disrupt our Constitution and our Freedoms such as where they threaten the civility and stability of the United States of America.

The second most popular answer was: ‘Any traitor to the United States who would sell State secrets to enemy countries, identity thieves, or a person like a rapist, an arsonist or a murderers who commits crimes against other people.

My second question that I asked was, “Would you be able to recognize a domestic enemy walking down the street or through your neighborhood?”

The puzzled looks that I got spoke louder than their words. Everyone stated that they could not recognize a domestic enemy, and one person stated that only a trained behaviorist could make that identification.

In a blog by Connor Boyack entitled, ‘Domestic Enemies of the Constitution’ he states: “How, then, can so many people swear to defend the Constitution from its enemies, yet remain unaware as to who such enemies are…?”

So as Oath Keepers, how does the issue of knowing who a Domestic Enemy is affect us, both individually and collectively if we are unaware of who he or she may be?

We can't be unaware, but we must diligent in order to support the Front Line Members of the Oath, for the enemy as does a thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.



  1. Very impressive posting. I enjoyed it. I think that others will find it useful for them. It is a good posting. It's pretty much impressive with it. Good luck.


  2. Very nice & impressive posting. I liked it very much . Others will like it also. Good luck with your work. ;)

