Monday, December 21, 2009

Freedom Fighters Still Live in the 21st Centry

I used to write for my local newspaper here in Mesquite, Nevada until I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was at that time, that I gave the editor my resignation notice due to my situation, for I wanted to spend that time to study what I had and what could be done on my part for this type of cancer.

So, it was during this time that in March of 2009 that I came across an article in the WorldNetDaily online edition about Oath Keepers. I read the article by Bob Unruh entitled, "Soldiers Pledge to refuse disarmament demands." Needless to say, I was amazed at what I read.

I was in the US Navy from 1963 until 1967, and I don't remember taking such an oath, but that's been many moons ago, and things like that to a young buck generally gets overlooked due to the state of mind that one's in at the time.

I was raised in a disciplined family from a young age, and that gave me direction and understanding of what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I don't regret joining the Navy and serving my Country even when it was unpopular, but the unpopular were really the ones with no direction in life.

I don't regret the disciplined home that I was raised within, but I'm sad that many a young man and young woman has missed such a great opportunity and even opted out not to become military oriented as I and my generation, even though there was much descent.

But back to where I first heard about the Oath Keepers. I remember reading this article and it came at the right time that I needed it, for I was writing an article at the time that went right along with this WorldNetDaily article's ideology: Oath Keepers, Not On Our Watch!

And so, I began to talk about the ideology of the Oath Keepers at that time and the FEMA Death Camps, and how that our military would NOT guard the camp's entry gates to keep the citizens hostage.

But then one day at work this month, I was walking past a news stand and the headline in the Las Vegas Review Journal News Paper read, "Ready to Revolt" caught my eye, and I couldn't go any further until I read the article.

I knew then that I would join this organization to support the law enforcement officers and the military personnel who would not intern my fellowmen and women who were innocent bystanders in a government that could explode into turmoil.

In reading the LV Review Journal, I noticed that a usual Hate America group was there throwing comments bombs around which seem to only come from their mouth. Lies of racism, hate, and everything else negative.

This just emboldened me the more to become an Oath Keeper, just because of the lies and undocumented and unsupported proof and the propaganda of what the enemy states and stands for.

I then began to talk to people where I work and my family and friends about the Oath Keepers, and low and behold, the people whom I talked to began to join, and others just scoffed at me; however, that was expected.

To me, having a group like Oath Keepers means that never again will people be subjugated like they were during Katrina and enslaved within the locked 'Superdome' on our watch.

It's going to take time, I know, because many have been brainwashed into thinking that the lie is the truth and vice versa.


1 comment:

  1. Its really very impressive and attractive. I like it. I think others will like it and find it useful for them. Good luck.Bathmate
