Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bow unto me

I find it amazing that everybody who's following the great messiah Obama into the chasm of "change", as un-transparent as it is, do so with their eyes wide open, yet dimed.
It wasn't until recently that I found that his holiness bowed submissively unto the Saudi king upon being introduced to him. However, upon meeting the Queen of England, he only nodded to both she and her husband. The U.S. queen, the first lady, apparently in disregard of protocol just had to place her arm around the Queen of England. This bold move symbolized that the U.S. queen was superior to the Queen of England.
I find that all of this pandering is crap, since you can take the bum off the street, but you can't take the street out of the bum. Trash is trash is trash.
My only conclusion is: Beware for when you fool with trash it gets in your eyes.
I know that no one will believe me, therefore, you may view this for yourselves. Just click on this link:

1 comment:

  1. Regardin Bow to me...
    That youtube clip surely showed how much he truly is a slug bowing like a muslium to one of his brothers, but only nodding to real royalty -- the Queen and her husband.
