First, I want to state that what I say here has nothing to do with being Democrat or Republican, for I have voted for both parties, and I chose whom I thought was the lesser of two evils.
Second, I want to see Obama become the President that America needs for this day and age, but I guess that it will all play out in the end.
Nevertheless, this ideology is not something that started with Obama, for this struggle continues from yesteryear unto the present where America is in its last stages of a tumultuous pregnancy.
All of this, however, started with one Joseph McCarthy, when in 1954, Edward Murrow’s TV Show “See It Now Program” hosted one of the most prominent attacks on McCarthy's methods of attacking the Communist Party USA.
On this program, McCarthy accuses the Democratic Party of "twenty years of treason," and stated that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was “listed as 'a front for, and doing the work of,' the Communist Party.”
McCarthy was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the federal government and elsewhere.
An example was Roger Baldwin who was the founder of the ACLU who boldly stated, “I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth,Communism is the goal”.
Still further, it has been stated that the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, and the Democratic Socialist of America have been moving secret socialist into the Democratic Party for some time.
To infiltrate the dogma of these three groups, henceforth known as the “Brotherhood”, they have stated that first they must “use union muscle to get who they want elected.” Second, “use front groups and unions to push socialist policy inside the Democratic Party, thus make communist and socialist policies ‘respectable’ by giving them a Democratic Party label.”
And third, “use our sympathizers, allies and secret members inside the Democratic Party to get our socialist policies passed into law.”
I can already hear the “Drive-by Idiots” calling me a McCarthyite for quoting their grandiloquent rhetoric.
However, the PC-Idiots like Bill Maher, Al Franken, and the “Drive-by Idiots” would say that these quotes are their “freedom of speech rights,” but for anybody outside of their PC-clique, it is blasphemous to be said; and thus we see the hypocrisy.
Some well-known members of this “Brotherhood” are Sweeney, Schakowsky, Ickes, Soros, Moyers, and many more too numerous to mention in this article, but they can be “Googled.”
So far we’ve all seen the “Brotherhood” give Geithner, Rangel, Frank, Dodd, Daschle, and Franken (just to name a just few), a pass for their crimes and tax evasion, but for we of “Main Street,” we get a resounding, “SCREW YOU” off to prison you criminal.
Who else but the Democratic Party dwells within the shadows of the illegality and the unethical areas of the lunatic fringe?
However, the best examples of socialist inspired “Change” on a major scale were Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” both of which Obama wants to implement, today.
The “New Deal” promoted banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, agricultural programs, and industrial reform, which were good ideas.
Unfortunately, the “New Deal” coalition was comprised of the Democratic Party, Big City Machines, labor unions, liberal farm groups, intellectuals, and the “White” South.
This socialist coalition, however, fell apart, but it remains the model that Democratic Party Activists seek to replicate today to push forth their socialistic agenda.
However, this ideology didn’t end when the “New Deal” fell apart, because later another “Young Turk” came along named John F. Kennedy.
JFK, as the Democratic nominee, at the Democratic National Convention coined the term, “New Frontier.”
Originally, the “New Frontier” was just a slogan to inspire America to support him, just like Obama’s jingle, “Change we can believe in.”
The New Frontier program was intended to boost the economy again, to provide more international aid, and to provide for national defense.
Kennedy said, “We stand at the edge of a New Frontier, a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, a frontier of unknown opportunities and beliefs in peril.”
Then one day, Camelot along with the New Frontier began to crumble and then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson took control of the collapsing dream and created his own Utopian dream.
LBJ was responsible for designing the "Great Society," a set of proposed domestic legislative programs that included civil rights laws, Medicare, Medicaid, and aid to education and welfare.
The “Great Society” in scope and sweep resembled the “New Deal” of FDR.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel one day had asked the members in a cabinet meeting, “What's the difference between Communism and Capitalism?”
She then answered, “The Communists nationalizes all the companies first (sound familiar?), and then ruins them.”
Therefore, my concern is why do our politicians keep choosing failed systems to rule the people when both Communism and Socialism have been proven complete failures as governing systems.
Tomorrow will be one month for the Obama presidency, and I wonder what other failed projects will be resurrected, how many other good things will be desecrated, and how many more lies will be tolerated?
One thing is for sure, we will continue to hear all of the BS from the “Brotherhood” like, “These were careless mistakes. They were avoidable mistakes, but they were unintentional. I should have been more careful” and not gotten caught, “I’m NOT A CROOK.”
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