I was watching this program the other day about the carbon footprint that we all are leaving behind everyday that we live.
As the program continued, the host showed the viewers all sorts of things that we use every day, thus subliminally intimidating the viewer to stop living in the 21st Century.
With this line of subliminal torture, the weak minded person would follow after this Pavlovian conditioning and end up starving to death because of an invisible footprint.
To me, this program was so obnoxious that I was tempted to turn the channel to some programming that was more intelligent, like TV Land or the Soap Channel.
I did, however, change the channel and left the host babbling about some stupid, non-existent carbon footprint that some idiot had dreamed up to make a fast buck on.
But to be more specific, the subliminal message was being instilled into some unsuspecting child’s mind that being an American pig would pollute the whole world.
It was at this point that the emcee should have shown some zombie with a yellow happy painted face playing on some wind powered generator or solar collector chanting I’m one less.
Anyway, the hidden lie is that with all of this waste we are polluting the earth; but maybe these perfect ones should live in a third world country for a year then talk to me.
Being stressed is that all of these by-products came from all of those trees that you all killed which then contributes to the carbon footprint, which in turn contributes to global warming.
As the usual propaganda goes, the program showed the hundreds of empty cartons from the pints of milk that we devoured needlessly and sinned by using paper base containers.
It makes me wonder if we all should have had our own cow for our milk consumption, and if so, then we’d be right at home in the Stone Age.
If that’s the case, I won’t be in to work tomorrow, because it will be the ‘Day After Tomorrow’, and the wheel probably wouldn’t have been invented to drive to work and pollute the atmosphere.
Here’s my update on this; trees are a renewable resource, and both paper and cardboard are recyclable, you morons.
I was surprised that they didn’t break the illustrations down into smaller portions like half pints or smaller to show more empty milk cartons cluttering and destroying the earth.
That’s how these carbon footprint propagandist intimidate John and Jane Q. Public, by breaking things down into minute particles and making them feel guilty.
On the other hand, if these opportunist want to make you feel guilty in reverse, they go to the opposite extreme and talk in thousands of dollars, millions of units, or tons of poison.
Therefore, you’re stuck, as many southerners say, like a ‘pig in a poke.’
If what they said wasn’t so stupid, I’d believe it and become a disciple, but I’m not that naïve to believe what other people tell me unless I can verify the truth of the matter.
Clinging to this axiom is how I was taught at home, in school, and in the military, and I have never been disappointed from following it, ever.
However, I do believe that I did miss all of the college propaganda from ‘Red Square’ by a few years.
It seems that I was born on the skirts of a generational gap, and all through life I was always part of the latter and at the beginning of the next.
When I left high school, the teachers were still highly educated and the students hung on to the truths of the lessons, thus graduating as an educated generation of people.
In college, my professors were not radical raving idiots preaching and proclaiming that hating America was the ultimate high, much as they do today.
Quite a few people, however, have latched onto this radical, raving, idiotic style of teaching and have become intellectual prostitutes of America.
But let’s get back to this carbon footprint special.
I along with many others understand that we are all stewards of the earth, but to let the alarmist blame everybody for what they can’t do anything about is ludicrous.
I believe that Mother Earth is alive and that she’s combating the changes that she’s going through just like we do as we combat our ailments or ills and then move on.
Of course I don’t expect most of you to believe me on these issues, but that’s your right; however, remember that after you’re dead and gone, your carbon footprint still exists.
But if you’re just going to sit there dozing off and doing nothing, don’t say that I didn’t tell you so.
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