What amazes me, and this esoteric thinking will never stop to amaze me, is that immigration attorneys believe that they are economic experts, too.
This attorney, whom will remain nameless, was trying to equate apples with grapes and maybe an orange or two, and he probably can’t even balance he own checkbook.
I’ve worked different types of security for a number of years, but that doesn’t make me an expert security advisor for the CIA or Interpol.
I’m not an attorney, but I know what an attorney wants, since I was trained and accredited as a paralegal.
Most attorneys need paralegals to do their work, but yet a paralegal can’t practice law unless you belong to the brotherhood, and then you’re an attorney; not a paralegal.
I’ve noticed recently that some NASA scientists believe that they are experts in ecology and the entire eco system just as the ex-vice president thinks he is an expert.
Who knows what kind of a scientist these NASA people are, for they work in theory only.
For example, just because the clouds are gathering doesn’t mean it’s going to storm, and so the best laid plans of mice and men usually comes to naught.
If I’ve had (and I have had) training as weatherman, does that make me and expert in the eco system or a NASA scientist?
I believe that I have more knowledge in climate control than a certain Nobel Peace Prize Winner, but do you see me getting such an accolade?
I can tell if the polar ice is melting or if it’s going to rain, snow, or sleet, so where’s my Nobel Prize?
Even with this, you’re not going to see me out trying to scam everybody into buying my products just because we live in one of the sunniest place in the United States.
Just like I thought; I seem to say the wrong things at the right time.
In fact, I’ve even stepped out and stated that most PhD’s are loons, and for my reward, I got flack about stating my point of view.
I’m not a PhD; however, anybody who wants to take the time and listen to a PhD talk on a subject, one can detect if the PhD has done his or her homework.
Most have not done their homework, but just because they have a PhD, all of the uneducated and stupid people listen and take what’s said and take it as gospel.
Because people have a PhD doesn’t mean that they’re more intelligent that the next person, because research is the key to any discussion, and the lack of it is stupidity.
Lawyers think the same way; because I’m a lawyer and went to law school, I know.
Bull is my response.
Medical doctors, EMT’s or paramedics think that just because they’ve had a crash course in biology and anatomy, they to can speak freely, and that what they say is correct is hooey.
Archaeologists are funny people to listen to, also.
Archaeologists think that because someone thought up a process to date something, it’s a perfect measurement in equating today’s things to yesteryear and it has to be truth.
Some equating would be that of measuring a prehistoric animal with a deer of today or a giraffe of today, and on and on, just because they found some bones.
I remember the Java man or ape-man, since he was considered the intermediate form between modern humans and our so-called common ancestor the great apes.
Java man’s discoverer, Eugène Dubois, did not find a complete specimen; he only found remains which consisted of a skullcap, a femur, and a few teeth.
Interestingly enough, our greatly over-educated idiots we call scienctist were able to make an upright walking male speiceman from these three items.
If I were to go out into the desert here in Mesquite and find a toe bone, a fingernail, and a strand of hair, could I make the cliam that I found Java woman?
Of course not, because it would be the remains of the rare Hare Sand Tortise or something like that.
Who knows, next we might be teaching the world religions in our public school system and how they’re much better than Christianity.
Hm-m. I hear wheels turning already.
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