With gas and diesel reaching and pushing past five dollars a gallon, Washington DC Staffers are saying ‘there’s no quick fix to our addiction to foreign oil’.
They’re saying that it took us a long time to get where we are today with our love for gasoline driven vehicles, and it’s going to take a long time to get unaddicted to gasoline.
To me, the way they’re talking about gasoline, it’s like we’re all addicted to drugs and not fossil fuel.
I remember two local gas stations stating that they were changing oil companies because it would be cheaper, but their prices certainly don’t reflect that.
Of course, this oil problem could be fixed tomorrow if we would use our own natural resources instead of relying on foreign governments, and kissing their derrieres.
This problem, however, doesn’t stop with just our politician’s greediness, but it also includes the prostituting of themselves out to the Lobbyist “Haters of America.”
The last time that I visited the White House in Washington D.C., I don’t remember any red lights brightly shining on the front porch.
Even when I climbed to the top of the Washington Monument and looked down on the White House, I still didn’t see any red lights shining.
I remember that the last administration seemed to have had a secret red light shining in the darkness, but only certain people could enjoy the secret pleasures thereof.
Needless to say, it’s just a club house for a marginal group of people who flaunt their agenda in our faces, and dare us to say or do anything about it.
To me these people are out of control, and they do not have the interest of the American people at heart; only their greed for power and money.
But that’s just the beginning of why we are paying such high gas prices, thanks to our great idiotic band of fools whom we have governing our great and prosperous nation.
Nobody is thinking about the oil thirsty countries of the world, like China and India who are now coming into their own ‘Industrial Revolution’ period, thanks to our outsourcing.
With both of these nations becoming more capitalistic, they need more oil to compete with the rest of the industrialized world.
I understand that China is moving its farmers into the city in order to fill the overflow of industrial jobs that’s being outsourced to them.
India is right behind China in being an outsource recipient of American jobs, thus more oil is needed to run their nation, too.
Both countries, therefore, will need more cars and trucks for transportation which in turn means more oil, which means higher world oil prices.
So what’s the answer to lowering our gas prices, you ask?
Some years ago, a friend of mine had told me about a person, whom he knew personally, who had created a device for the car’s carburetor that used water to propel the vehicle.
However, this device didn’t make it to market because the big automakers of the time purchased the patent rights and shelved the idea, because it threatened their agenda.
I have seen TV ads recently for a car that emits water vapor instead of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, an idea that sounds all too familiar to me.
Another example of controlling high gas prices from what I have heard is that Buenos Aires uses bio-fuel made from their corn fields to power all of their vehicles.
So my question is why can’t we, the greatest nation on earth, do something like this and quit supplying world terrorist with our oil monies?
Well, guess what?
The US may just have something better.
I understand that agricultural researcher and CEO J.C. Bell of Bell Bio-Energy, Inc. has found out how to process gas from cows.
The best part about this specific gas is that we don’t have to wait out in the clover fields for the gas to be pooped into our vehicles by cows.
This gas will be supplied as usual from the local gas stations, with the only difference being is that it’s home grown.
Bell is talking about doing what others are just speculating about with their preschool mentality; he’s making fuel with grass, cornstalks, and other field debris.
It’s said that Bell wanted to know what digestive process enabled the common cow to change food into methane.
It’s not like we can go out and coax the cow into giving us a few gallons of methane on command, so naturally Bell wanted to see if he could speed up this process.
Bell states that he has isolated this specific bacterium that can produce hydrocarbons to make gasoline for cars and diesel for trucks.
And just like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, Bell through genetic manipulation changed the naturally occurring bacteria, so they would eat and consume the biomass a little more efficiently.
It’s been reported that this process has the support from the Departments of Defense, Energy, and Agriculture plus both chambers of Congress.
Bell has stated that within two years his bio-energy plant will be large enough to prove whether it will work as he has professed.
Bell states that he will be able to produce about five billion barrels of oil per year, and that would be about two-thirds of what we use now.
I understand from a CNN report that Canada and Spain will be drilling next to the US oil preserves 49 miles off the Florida Coast.
However, if that’s not bad enough, CNN also reports that China, India, and Cuba have been seen drilling in the same proximity of this US oil preserve, already.
This oil preserve has estimates of 4.6 billion to 9.3 billion barrels of oil, much like that believed to be beneath the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.
Wake up America, for you have been ‘duped’ again (to say it nicely) by your moronic politicians and their lackeys, your loving environmentalist (kiss, kiss).
These people want you to walk or bicycle around, like a donkey following a carrot, while they drive around in their fulsome SUVs and jet hither and yon in their private planes.
America is a self-sustaining country, except for when it’s run by those who hate America, and their idiotic friends; therefore, I stand offended and demand an apology.
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