I hear you asking, “What’s in Mesquite?” “Who is CSF?” “Where is CSF located?”
Let’s first start at the beginning in order to understand or else we’d be lost right off, and no, I’m not “off” as some have stated.
Therefore, it all starts with the swearing in of our new president, giving promises of high hopes to people for “CHANGE,” whatever that means, since words have a variety of connotations these days.
We all know that the U.S. economic crisis in now a global crisis, and that the entire global economy is in the toilet, and somehow our great “savior” Barak Obama, is going to change everything.
Moreover, we all know that the “Do Nothing Congressional” Democrats demanded that all of their buddies get bailed out, and Congress gets a raise for themselves while we lose our jobs, homes, and finances.
However, we’ll see what happens after Obama’s been in the office behind that “big” desk, because he just might change his mind on what and how things will be run, but I doubt that’ll happen.
Obama has chosen Rahm Emanuel to assist him in his job as President of the United States.
Emanuel is known as ambitious and as “sharp-tongued and sharp-elbowed; one who knows policy, politics, and Capitol Hill, and he’s keenly intelligent” not to mention that he’s an old Clintonista.
So we can see that Emanuel has built a reputation for himself, and that he’s confrontational, and that he’s not afraid to play tough; thus his nickname “Rahmbo”.
“Rahmbo” you see, is Obama’s Chief of Staff, which is a position of authority; therefore, the position is dubbed as “The Gatekeeper” and “The Co-President.”
Therefore, his role is both that of an administrator and of consultancy over much of the White House and as a negotiator with the Congress.
“Okay,” you say, “so what if it is that type of position, big deal.?
The big deal is that if Obama becomes a “hands-off” president (one who has the office but decides not to become involved in the details of the government), “Rahmbo” becomes the de facto Prime Minster.
This means that the prime minister runs the government operations-wise, while the president remains detached from the political process handling policy matters only, much like his voting record.
Thus we’ve returned to a monarchy style of government; “All Hail King Obama”.
Anyway, Obama is boasting that he’s going to add 2.5 million jobs to the American workforce, but how?
To answer this, an audio clip has been found to shed light on Emanuel and Obama’s plans for the USA, better known as the “National Civilian Security Force” (NCSF).
In an interview with Ben Smith of the New York Daily News, Emanuel outlined their agenda for this military-style training, essentially a domestic draft.
Emanuel stated that we’re going to have “universal civil defense” training, a civil service for those somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25.
Emanuel continued, “There can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint experience of what we call civil defense training, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.”
Wow, an American civilian militia much like that of Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and the old Soviet Union.
I sure don’t know what Emanuel and Obama are talking about, because I’ve always had a “sense of what it means to be an American” from my youth, starting with the Scouts.
Then I volunteered for the military during the Viet Nam war, showing forth my Patriotic and American duty, no thanks to an idiotic Democratic President’s meddling.
To see how this CFS thing is a little closer to home than we think, allow me to refresh our memories so that we can see how this will possibly affect us locally.
This past year, the Boy Scouts in Mesquite didn’t seem to be “Americans” nor “Patriots,” since one of the Queen’s handmaidens had put a stop to them doing their “good will” in the community.
The scouts were going to give out yellow bags for food donations for the Salvation Army and The Angel Tree project as they have done every year.
However, thanks to a new law which was enacted by “Her Majesty’s Court,” the Scouts were told that they couldn’t be “peddling the neighborhoods” begging for food, because they didn’t have a permit.
Then it was stated that the scouts were NOT going to get a permit, and if they did pass out their yellow bags, they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Interestingly, Naomi Wolf, noted author and social critic, draws chilling comparisons between how Mussolini used legal means to gradually take away democracy in Italy and how the U.S. is going down a similar path.
Going down this same path, I bet that you didn’t know that the police departments across the nation were ready for civil unrest (even suggesting martial law) when the bailout was to take place.
It was suggested that “social unrest” was feared by the International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Institute.
According to the War College, Pentagon resources and U.S. troops were to be used if needed to quell protests and bank runs, and military force was to be used against hostile groups inside the United States.
Furthermore, trends forecaster Gerald Celente said that America would morph into the first "undeveloped" nation of the world by 2012, and that there will be a tax revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, and job marches.
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, Obama's supposed pick for Secretary of Homeland Security, would not provide comment on the possibility of civil unrest during the economic crisis.
‘Nuf said, so are you ready for this?
Unheard of by me, but not my friend Sheyenne, there are FEMA Death Camps throughout America with two camps allegedly nearby with one in Cedar City, Utah and one in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.
Is this the new 2.5 million job workforce; a Civilian Security Force (CSF) instituted to run the FEMA Death Camps for the Monarchy?
Interestingly, many people have told me that I’ll be the first inmate and water-boarded victim at such a place, because I’m a rabble-rouser and a disrupter of the “United Socialist State of America.”
Bring it on baby, for American Patriots don’t surrender nor do Our Colors Run.
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