Monday, September 28, 2009

FEMA Coffins for Americans Await

This will be short so you can watch the videos about the FEMA Death Camps in the USA. Oh, you didn't know? Click on the link below and take a look, if you dare. This will send chills up and down your spine. Doubt it? I dare you to click on this link. You'll find that the 'scary' movies that the idiots in Hollywood are putting out are kindergarten level movies. Talking about kindergarten, look up the word and see what it means and where it came from.
Writer Steven Yates who has doctorate in philosophy and has taught the subject at a number of Southeastern colleges and universities and who writes for wrote, "It, kindergarten, means roughly, child garden—a reference to the growing of children as if they were vegetables in a garden, to be tended, nurtured and directed down the path the owners of the garden want them to follow."  The rest of the article can be found at;
So when you're finished with reading this you can then go to this website and see how you wil be treated, for me to explain it wouldn't do it justice.

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