Saturday, April 11, 2009

CFS In Mesquite

I hear you asking, “What’s in Mesquite?” “Who is CSF?” “Where is CSF located?”

Let’s first start at the beginning in order to understand or else we’d be lost right off, and no, I’m not “off” as some have stated.

Therefore, it all starts with the swearing in of our new president, giving promises of high hopes to people for “CHANGE,” whatever that means, since words have a variety of connotations these days.

We all know that the U.S. economic crisis in now a global crisis, and that the entire global economy is in the toilet, and somehow our great “savior” Barak Obama, is going to change everything.

Moreover, we all know that the “Do Nothing Congressional” Democrats demanded that all of their buddies get bailed out, and Congress gets a raise for themselves while we lose our jobs, homes, and finances.

However, we’ll see what happens after Obama’s been in the office behind that “big” desk, because he just might change his mind on what and how things will be run, but I doubt that’ll happen.

Obama has chosen Rahm Emanuel to assist him in his job as President of the United States.

Emanuel is known as ambitious and as “sharp-tongued and sharp-elbowed; one who knows policy, politics, and Capitol Hill, and he’s keenly intelligent” not to mention that he’s an old Clintonista.

So we can see that Emanuel has built a reputation for himself, and that he’s confrontational, and that he’s not afraid to play tough; thus his nickname “Rahmbo”.

“Rahmbo” you see, is Obama’s Chief of Staff, which is a position of authority; therefore, the position is dubbed as “The Gatekeeper” and “The Co-President.”

Therefore, his role is both that of an administrator and of consultancy over much of the White House and as a negotiator with the Congress.

“Okay,” you say, “so what if it is that type of position, big deal.?

The big deal is that if Obama becomes a “hands-off” president (one who has the office but decides not to become involved in the details of the government), “Rahmbo” becomes the de facto Prime Minster.

This means that the prime minister runs the government operations-wise, while the president remains detached from the political process handling policy matters only, much like his voting record.

Thus we’ve returned to a monarchy style of government; “All Hail King Obama”.

Anyway, Obama is boasting that he’s going to add 2.5 million jobs to the American workforce, but how?

To answer this, an audio clip has been found to shed light on Emanuel and Obama’s plans for the USA, better known as the “National Civilian Security Force” (NCSF).

In an interview with Ben Smith of the New York Daily News, Emanuel outlined their agenda for this military-style training, essentially a domestic draft.

Emanuel stated that we’re going to have “universal civil defense” training, a civil service for those somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25.

Emanuel continued, “There can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint experience of what we call civil defense training, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.”

Wow, an American civilian militia much like that of Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and the old Soviet Union.

I sure don’t know what Emanuel and Obama are talking about, because I’ve always had a “sense of what it means to be an American” from my youth, starting with the Scouts.

Then I volunteered for the military during the Viet Nam war, showing forth my Patriotic and American duty, no thanks to an idiotic Democratic President’s meddling.

To see how this CFS thing is a little closer to home than we think, allow me to refresh our memories so that we can see how this will possibly affect us locally.

This past year, the Boy Scouts in Mesquite didn’t seem to be “Americans” nor “Patriots,” since one of the Queen’s handmaidens had put a stop to them doing their “good will” in the community.

The scouts were going to give out yellow bags for food donations for the Salvation Army and The Angel Tree project as they have done every year.

However, thanks to a new law which was enacted by “Her Majesty’s Court,” the Scouts were told that they couldn’t be “peddling the neighborhoods” begging for food, because they didn’t have a permit.

Then it was stated that the scouts were NOT going to get a permit, and if they did pass out their yellow bags, they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Interestingly, Naomi Wolf, noted author and social critic, draws chilling comparisons between how Mussolini used legal means to gradually take away democracy in Italy and how the U.S. is going down a similar path.

Going down this same path, I bet that you didn’t know that the police departments across the nation were ready for civil unrest (even suggesting martial law) when the bailout was to take place.

It was suggested that “social unrest” was feared by the International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the U.S. Army War College's Strategic Institute.

According to the War College, Pentagon resources and U.S. troops were to be used if needed to quell protests and bank runs, and military force was to be used against hostile groups inside the United States.

Furthermore, trends forecaster Gerald Celente said that America would morph into the first "undeveloped" nation of the world by 2012, and that there will be a tax revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, and job marches.

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, Obama's supposed pick for Secretary of Homeland Security, would not provide comment on the possibility of civil unrest during the economic crisis.

‘Nuf said, so are you ready for this?

Unheard of by me, but not my friend Sheyenne, there are FEMA Death Camps throughout America with two camps allegedly nearby with one in Cedar City, Utah and one in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.

Is this the new 2.5 million job workforce; a Civilian Security Force (CSF) instituted to run the FEMA Death Camps for the Monarchy?

Interestingly, many people have told me that I’ll be the first inmate and water-boarded victim at such a place, because I’m a rabble-rouser and a disrupter of the “United Socialist State of America.”

Bring it on baby, for American Patriots don’t surrender nor do Our Colors Run.

Fairness My Ace

Once there was a wolf that was the pack leader-manager of a den of wolves who had decreed that all the wolves of the pack must take what they have hunted and divide it up, and thus share the wealth.

The pack leader-manager explained that this way the den would not starve; after all, this is what affirmative action is all about, share and share alike.

This continued until the time of the next pack meeting when one of the older wolves said that the den leader was seen living in a comfortable cave on the side of the mountain.

So when the pack leader-manager had heard what was being said amongst the party members regarding his palace style abode, he got even with the old wise wolf and had him reassigned to the nether parts of the den.

However, the old wise wolf, upon hearing of his eviction from the main den, began making his voice heard within the community about the scam that was taking place within his den and the pack leader.

The pack leader-manager was very resolute that these party members weren’t going to spoil his little side scam that he had going, because of this wise old wolf.

You see the older wolves were much wiser and more skilled to amass more wealth than the younger ones, and generally were next in line to be the pack leader when the time came.

Well anyway, the pack leader-manager was a little edgy at the uproar by the members, so he called the ACLU, the NAACP, La Raza, La Famalia, and the DNC.

No time was wasted when these calls were made, because the word got around the circuit quickly.

Barak “I’mmm da prezzzzident” Obama, Jeremiah “Radical” Wright, and Billy “I’m not a terrorist” Ayers were holding hands and singing, “Kum Bah Yah”, and one could hear something about a new dam or a new god in America.

However, it wasn’t long before Jimmy ‘the peanut’ Carter jumped up and said that he would do any building that was needed for old time sake, since we all were born to live in a commune, anyway.

And before anyone knew it, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC all showed up to provide pictures of how hard it was to be the pack leader of a den of boisterous wolves.

Nancy “Sneaky” Pelosi and “Stinky” Harry Reid wept in an interview on the ‘Larry King Show’ that the poor pack leader was under too much stress from these inconsiderate party members.

So, Hillary ‘I’m Sec-terry A-Staaaate’ Clinton got her old law firm to represent the ‘pack leader-manager’ in a defamation suit against the old wise wolf.

And the case was to be tried before a panel of federal judges that Billy ‘the cigar’ Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients, because the pack leader-manager falls under the affirmative action clause.

When Peta and Green Peace heard about the ruckus, they moaned and groaned and jumped up and down like spoiled brats that needed discipline applied to their understanding.

Also running to the aid of the poor pack leader was Al ‘Mr. Eco’ Gore, who said that his private jets were available to the cause as long as his multi-billion dollar company got the eco-credits.

Howard Dean of the DNC jumped up and said that he understands the situation, since his modest palace style home is located near the poor lower class, and fortunately not under a bridge where the scummy homeless vets live.

John Kerry didn’t comment on the issue, because he had Heinz mustard all over his face (at least that’s what it looked like) as he was being swift boated away somewhere.

Neither the ‘G.W.’ administration nor anyone from the Republican Party would comment on this situation, since they’re all brain dead capitalist pigs and don’t understand the fairness doctrine, nor anything about how to spread the wealth.

Not funny, huh?

A real life incident similar to that of the ant happened unto an acquaintance of mine here in Mesquite, and that ain’t funny when you’re the one getting stiffed.

She got evicted after living over a year in a certain Mesquite apartment complex, because she made too much money, and upon her eviction she found this ‘dump’ to be section eight housing.

After filling out rental form after rental form, according to the manager- pack leader’s directions, and paying various fees that weren’t reimbursed after being shuffled around the complex, the eviction notice came.

Of course, these fees didn’t include the moving company’s bill for packing up and moving her furniture to her new segregated apartment complex.

Yet her lease made no mention of making a certain amount of money, nor did she sign a lease attesting to the fact that she knew or that this was classified as section eight housing.

It appears as if the manager-pack leader of this complex was too busy trying to scam the system or an unsuspecting tenant while the legal issues were not brought forth until after the fact.

It’s said that this manager then left this complex to manage another one somewhere else here in Mesquite, while a new agent assumed the role of manager with the status quo.

Yet, here we find no advocates fighting for my friend; no Hollywood weirdoes or whacked out loonies, no community activist like Jessie ‘Rainbow’ Jackson or Al ‘Big Mouth’ Sharpton, no high priced lawyers working pro bono, not even a Mesquite official.

Neither did she hear a whisper from either of our ‘Great’ Democratic Majority Leaders, ‘Queen Nancy’ Pelosi nor Harry “You People STINK” Reid, to lament such a tragedy, because there was no glory in it for them as true Democrats.

Because this is what’s called spreading the wealth around; they kick out the middle class and replace us with their bummer friends, and they get rich while we get stuck with crappy diapers.

I find it appalling that this same corruption that’s in our government bureaucracy is also in the programs that it promotes, as was cited here; scamming the taxpaying public.

It’s interesting how the socialist system with its pyramid scheme is screwing up the capitalist system of wealth – thus the economic crisis – and the ‘American Dream’ that our immigrant forefathers brought with them.

Unfortunately, this article doesn’t even come close to, nor could I ever express my friend’s anger at what she went through, and the moronic inconvenience that was caused by this bureaucratic hustle.

Crappy Sandwiches

Have you ever had your mouth watering for one of your favorite sandwiches, and you could hardly wait to sink your teeth into it?

You rush to your favorite ‘Sandwich Shoppe’, and you find the menu choices are now limited to a Bull Shirt Sandwich, a Chicken Shirt Sandwich, and a Skirt Steak Sandwich.

Thus your favorite combo meal ends up being a crappy sandwich with the options of flies, claws, or undie rings, with warm or cold drinks.

I hate to say this, but this is the same selection of crappy sandwiches that our great socialist politicians and company CEO scumbags wanted us to eat also.

However, they also wanted us to eat a little pork shirt sandwich or maybe even a BIG pork shirt sandwich.

So what do I get when I order a BIG pork shirt sandwich, you ask?

Our good ole politicians added to the bailout-pork shirt sandwiches a few secret ingredients that you will enjoy, that have nothing to do with the bailout, and they are:

Under ‘Section 309’ American Samoa got a tax credit for economic development.

Under ‘Section 316’ a tax break was given for railroad track maintenance.

Under to ‘Section 325’ the Wool Research Fund got a big tax break.

Under ‘Section 317’ a tax break was given for racetracks.

Am I done?


Under ‘Section 502’ qualified TV and film productions were given an extension for favorable expensing rules at a cost of $10 million (whatever the heck that is).

Under ‘Section 503’ the manufacturers of wooden arrows used in toys for children got a $6 million tax break.

Under ‘Sections 111 and 112’ investment credits were given for the expansion of and the modification of advanced coal projects and coal gasification projects.

Where in the BIG HOT ‘H’ is the ‘Stop Toquop’ group when you need them for an anti-coal thingy?

So, I guess we’ve all learned nothing from history (as usual) when the same crisis happened in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s to the Savings and Loan Companies.

So what are the facts of the whole Barney Frank episode called ‘Fannie and Freddie’, which is by no means a TV reality show; and thanks for the deceit, ‘Barney Baby’.

It’s stated that in 2003 that the Bush administration wanted to implement tighter regulations on Fannie and Freddie four times, because the banks and S&L’s were knowingly approving risky loans.

Here’s the punch line: “Frank complained that the Bush administration was MORE concerned about financial safety than about housing.”

It was known back in the 1990’s that “affirmative-action policies were to trump sound business practices.”

Thanks to Cigar Willie, ‘prez #42’.

And not only that; “Lenders were directed to accept welfare payments and unemployment benefits as ‘Valid income sources’ to qualify mortgages, and failure to do so meant a lawsuit.”

The last words I heard from Barney Frank in a TV sound bite was, “We’ll be back next year to finish this…”, and that’s what I’m afraid of as these over paid hypocrites go off laughing at us taxpayers.

So where was the reputable ‘Fourth Estate’ in this financial crisis besides in Barney’s back pocket?

Now, the retirees have lost money in their retirement investments, homeowners have lost their homes, and the greed mongers have given us all the one-finger salute.

Those who were ready to retire this next year, now have to possibly work for ten more years, because their financial situations have changed because of this ‘Economic Crisis’.

‘We the people’, who had elected these mongrels to office, had hopefully taken the necessary steps on November 4th to ensure our future, but if you made the wrong vote, it’s all on you and not me, for I made the right choice.

I think that all of the politicians and CEO’s who were involved in the handling of and the causing of this ‘Economic Crisis’ should be made to pay restitution to all of us because of their dishonesty in their trusted posts.

And I think that they should have started the bail-out program of ‘sharing the wealth’ with every American citizen in the U.S. who makes $3,000 or less a month.

We all should have received one million dollars each to pay off all of our debts in order to put the economy back on track, and not eat a $700 billion political bull shirt sandwich.

With that said, this brings me home to the secretive HUGE 670 acre Mesquite Regional Park which very few people knew anything about.

We’re in an ‘Economic Crisis’, and Mayor Suzie and the ‘Good Ole Boys’ of the city council are prospecting to make $$million$ on this project, but from whom?

I guess our resident Washington lobbyist has convinced our Mesquite government that there’s not an economic crisis, and we all know how a silver tongued serpent speaks.

With contributions like $190 million coming in for this project, it doesn’t seem like there’s an economic crisis here in Mesquite, and interestingly, phase one cost roughly $55 million.

One wonders to whom the deep pockets belong; maybe to a wealthy philanthropist or to some close friends who are looking for some special favors?

Special favors; hum-m-m, looking the other way; what a concept.

Our outstanding Mayor said this regarding the park, “…for the residents, it’s a quality-of-life issue…but for the inactive, the park will have much to offer”, and interestingly she didn’t say what both comments meant.

However, in knowing the government, ‘we the people’ are gonna get stiffed somewhere, somehow, with this ‘Field of Dreams’ made of artificial turf.

I personally don’t think that we need any more stupid parks, since this is the third one this year; however, Snoopy (Charlie Brown’s dog) loves this field for extra curricular activities.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, what about the $30 million asset increase that the Virgin Valley Water Department had this fiscal year, which had an unforeseen glitch?

And how about the VVWD’s water use fees that were up by $140,000 over the previous year; I sure like getting stiffed; please raise my water rates again, $5 feels so goo-o-od.

What truly hurts is when one hears Cecil Leavitt boasting, “There are not many governmental agencies that can say they finished in the black”; HA, HA thank you, Cecil.

Yet, today, we are still without the arsenic treatment plants being installed as to meet EPA standards, while many suffer from skin sores and rashes from the contaminated water.

We the People WANT accountability NOW, and NOT Bull Shirt Sandwiches.

Lipstick On A Pig

Here we are days away from Election Day and all we have heard is ‘Change, Change, and I promise this or that as your president, and your pig wears lipstick, dude.’

These pinheads and their lies never change; I think Charles De Gaulle said it best when it comes to politicians, “Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word.”

So here we are with the Democrats in charge of Congress with an approval rating of nine, way below that of our purported lame duck president, and they treat us like stuck pigs.

What happened to all of the Democratic rhetoric about how they were going to change everything for ‘we the people’, once they got elected to Congress?

It’s just like I thought, nothing but non-eco pig poo which we can’t even put into our car’s gas tank.

These people are supposed to represent us in running our country, but all they are doing is creating more problems like this bank bailout or foolishly spending our money.

They vote themselves outrages paychecks and health care packages and we the people don’t say anything as they thumb their noses at us wild pigs.

These clowns don’t know what it’s like to make minimum wage, to have NO health care, or to live from moment to moment with little or no hope.

These slugs don’t know what it’s like to walk around without that silver spoon in their mouth, but with a little persuasion that spoon could end up somewhere else.

I find it appalling that most people have no idea of how their government is managed.

Mostly everyone thinks that the President creates both the budget and the deficit, when in fact, the President only proposes a budget and the Congress either accepts it or rejects it.

So you ask, ‘who then is the originator of the country’s spending bills?’

It’s the Speaker of the House, naturally; so tell me who the country’s big spender is today.

The point is that almost every politician complains about the deficit, but they always seem to spend more and more of our money for their pet pig projects.

If they don’t get their way on these bills that they submit, they act as spoiled brats that need some positive or better yet, corporal reinforcement.

Then they blame everybody else when we the people complain about higher taxes.

Stop and think about the recession that we’re supposed to be in; who created it?

Who creates inflation and higher taxes, yet receives PAC money and lobbyist money?

Not ‘we the people’, but the elected slugs who coerced their way into office, and then they dare ‘we the people’ to voice our opposition, and I’m damn tired of it all.

I blame the 534 elected officials who belong to the ‘Prima Donna Brotherhood’ in Washington for their mismanagement of our system, which was created next to perfect.

Now that we know who the culprits are who are corrupting our great country, why can’t this country of over 300 million people replace these 534 deceitful slugs?

I believe that you either don’t want this to happen, because you like the ‘S and M’ (‘Spit and Mucus’) or it’s because you’re not aware that you have a choice in the matter.

Abuse is abuse is abuse, no matter who forces it upon whomever, for we all have a choice as to continue to accept the abuse or reject the abuse and do something about it.

We must all stand up and be counted, because this is the greatest country in the world, and if we don’t take a stand, then the fulfillment of the prophecy will come true.

What is this prophecy that I’m talking about?

It’s the ruling length of years that a democracy can exist without crumbling; you can ask any Cuban after Castro’s coup d'état, and they’ll tell you in a heart beat.

Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about democracy: 'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.' Does this sound familiar, yet?

If not, then you ain’t been listening to the masterful oratory of the inspiring Socialist Pigs of our time.

Even when Fidel Castro promised change and many governmental gifts to the Cuban people, they fell in love with him as they genuflected and yelled, 'Viva Fidel'.

Tyler also said, that ‘every democracy will finally collapse due to a loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.' According to Tyler, ‘the average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.’

So far, the United States Government has lasted 232 years, and it has already begun to decline into the phase of ‘complacency and apathy' according to Tyler.

I had noticed this decline starting about 45 years ago, when the politicians were sleeping with our enemies and selling out the United States piece by piece.

How do I know about the politicians sleeping around and the U.S. being for sale?

If you hurry, you might be able to still ‘Google’ it, because this information is to be removed about “three o’clock in the morning” if the phone doesn’t ring.

So, you better hurry before ‘I Am Legend’ for revealing this, because ‘The Lipstick’ has already started to encircle the lips of my little piggies.

This little piggy got lipstick, this little piggy got none.

Anyway, it has been determined that some 40 percent of the nation's population has already reached the 'governmental dependency' phase which leads back to bondage. Tyler’s theory is that a country progresses from bondage to spiritual faith, to great courage, to liberty, to abundance, to complacency, to apathy, to dependency, and then back into bondage.

Therefore, the warning has been given, that these scalawags should be removed from office if they don’t return to the original ideology.

That ideology is ‘A Government of the People, for the People, and by the People’; and it’s NOT of, for, or by our socialist politicians, for this result is bondage.Frank Dane said, ‘Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything.’

“Therefore, as your Socialist Pig in Lipstick, er I mean President, I promise…”

Cow Poo Gas

With gas and diesel reaching and pushing past five dollars a gallon, Washington DC Staffers are saying ‘there’s no quick fix to our addiction to foreign oil’.

They’re saying that it took us a long time to get where we are today with our love for gasoline driven vehicles, and it’s going to take a long time to get unaddicted to gasoline.

To me, the way they’re talking about gasoline, it’s like we’re all addicted to drugs and not fossil fuel.

I remember two local gas stations stating that they were changing oil companies because it would be cheaper, but their prices certainly don’t reflect that.

Of course, this oil problem could be fixed tomorrow if we would use our own natural resources instead of relying on foreign governments, and kissing their derrieres.

This problem, however, doesn’t stop with just our politician’s greediness, but it also includes the prostituting of themselves out to the Lobbyist “Haters of America.”

The last time that I visited the White House in Washington D.C., I don’t remember any red lights brightly shining on the front porch.

Even when I climbed to the top of the Washington Monument and looked down on the White House, I still didn’t see any red lights shining.

I remember that the last administration seemed to have had a secret red light shining in the darkness, but only certain people could enjoy the secret pleasures thereof.

Needless to say, it’s just a club house for a marginal group of people who flaunt their agenda in our faces, and dare us to say or do anything about it.

To me these people are out of control, and they do not have the interest of the American people at heart; only their greed for power and money.

But that’s just the beginning of why we are paying such high gas prices, thanks to our great idiotic band of fools whom we have governing our great and prosperous nation.

Nobody is thinking about the oil thirsty countries of the world, like China and India who are now coming into their own ‘Industrial Revolution’ period, thanks to our outsourcing.

With both of these nations becoming more capitalistic, they need more oil to compete with the rest of the industrialized world.

I understand that China is moving its farmers into the city in order to fill the overflow of industrial jobs that’s being outsourced to them.

India is right behind China in being an outsource recipient of American jobs, thus more oil is needed to run their nation, too.

Both countries, therefore, will need more cars and trucks for transportation which in turn means more oil, which means higher world oil prices.

So what’s the answer to lowering our gas prices, you ask?

Some years ago, a friend of mine had told me about a person, whom he knew personally, who had created a device for the car’s carburetor that used water to propel the vehicle.

However, this device didn’t make it to market because the big automakers of the time purchased the patent rights and shelved the idea, because it threatened their agenda.

I have seen TV ads recently for a car that emits water vapor instead of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, an idea that sounds all too familiar to me.

Another example of controlling high gas prices from what I have heard is that Buenos Aires uses bio-fuel made from their corn fields to power all of their vehicles.

So my question is why can’t we, the greatest nation on earth, do something like this and quit supplying world terrorist with our oil monies?

Well, guess what?

The US may just have something better.

I understand that agricultural researcher and CEO J.C. Bell of Bell Bio-Energy, Inc. has found out how to process gas from cows.

The best part about this specific gas is that we don’t have to wait out in the clover fields for the gas to be pooped into our vehicles by cows.

This gas will be supplied as usual from the local gas stations, with the only difference being is that it’s home grown.

Bell is talking about doing what others are just speculating about with their preschool mentality; he’s making fuel with grass, cornstalks, and other field debris.

It’s said that Bell wanted to know what digestive process enabled the common cow to change food into methane.

It’s not like we can go out and coax the cow into giving us a few gallons of methane on command, so naturally Bell wanted to see if he could speed up this process.

Bell states that he has isolated this specific bacterium that can produce hydrocarbons to make gasoline for cars and diesel for trucks.

And just like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, Bell through genetic manipulation changed the naturally occurring bacteria, so they would eat and consume the biomass a little more efficiently.

It’s been reported that this process has the support from the Departments of Defense, Energy, and Agriculture plus both chambers of Congress.

Bell has stated that within two years his bio-energy plant will be large enough to prove whether it will work as he has professed.

Bell states that he will be able to produce about five billion barrels of oil per year, and that would be about two-thirds of what we use now.

I understand from a CNN report that Canada and Spain will be drilling next to the US oil preserves 49 miles off the Florida Coast.

However, if that’s not bad enough, CNN also reports that China, India, and Cuba have been seen drilling in the same proximity of this US oil preserve, already.

This oil preserve has estimates of 4.6 billion to 9.3 billion barrels of oil, much like that believed to be beneath the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.

Wake up America, for you have been ‘duped’ again (to say it nicely) by your moronic politicians and their lackeys, your loving environmentalist (kiss, kiss).

These people want you to walk or bicycle around, like a donkey following a carrot, while they drive around in their fulsome SUVs and jet hither and yon in their private planes.

America is a self-sustaining country, except for when it’s run by those who hate America, and their idiotic friends; therefore, I stand offended and demand an apology.

Catching Wild Pigs

As I was growing up, there were sayings call ‘Old Wives Tales’ and today, many people are so educated that they have dismissed these sayings as words of folly.

However, I’m a firm believer in ‘Murphy’s Law’, because every time I turn around, I see him figuratively standing there watching me and saying, “I told you so.”

For those unfamiliar to what Murphy’s Law is all about, it’s an axiom or universally recognized truth stating, ‘anything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong’.

We can also forget about the fairy tales that old man Grimm told, because they were just nightmarish children stories to make kids mind their parents or guardians.

Who but a child could believe in Tom Thumb, Rumplestilskin, or Hansel and Gretel, that is unless you’re reading the gruesome comic book edition of the Brothers Grimm.

Who said that?

Hey, who blew out the campfire?

Run for your lives, he’s back.

I apologize for the interruption, the power went off and my computer failed and I got scared.

And of course, who could forget about the nursery rhymes that we all had to learn in order to remember other meaningful life lessons.

So who cares about the cow jumping over the moon or the dish running away with the spoon?

This rhyme, ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’, along with the many others were written and adopted for many cognitive lessons and sometimes as satire.

For example, this rhyme ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ which is told unto children for amusement is also considered a lesson in astronomy for constellations visible only in the April sky.

Another use was to let the early Europeans know that it was time to plant the crops.

Yet another use was that of satire about Queen Elizabeth and the 1st Earl of Leicester, her lap dog.

This is just a sample of what one can find in rhymes and folklore, so I’ll let you investigate further about your favorite verses.

Today, however, traditional folklore is mostly used for literary purposes to hone one’s writing skills in college classes.

Nothing literarily is off limits when it comes to writing, because one can have so many hidden meanings in one’s writing unless it blatantly states what you mean.

There’s nothing holy anymore, because of our so-called 1st Amendment Constitutional Activist.

The only way that something holy can remain holy is when a group speaks up and demands respect, as we have all witnessed in these past few years.

If every American were to standup and tell these so-called activist where to get off the bus, then we wouldn’t be held hostage as to what we can reverence and what we can’t.

United we stand and divided we fall is the motto we need to rally around in our daily lives, and in so doing these thugs will leave, for they will have no haven in which to rest.

But Hey Diddle Diddle, we’re stuck in the middle, and that’s too bad for us.

Sorry about that, I got carried away with my scandalization, for I am after all a ‘scandal’ or was ‘scoundrel’ the word that I was thinking about?

So what does all of this have to do with catching pigs, you ask?

Well, there was a college exchange student who was relating in class how he had gotten shot while trying to keep a socialist group from taking over his country.

He noticed how the class had looked at him in unbelief, so he asked if anybody knew how to catch wild pigs.

Because we’re Americans, we all know that pork comes from our neighborhood store, thus we don’t have to worry about catching anything but a cold.

So the exchange student explained it this way;

You find the right place in the wild and you put some corn on the ground and wait for the wild pigs to come and eat it up.

This is done until the pigs are comfortable in coming everyday and eating the free corn, and then you put up a partial fence line down one side of the area.

After these pigs get used to that fence line, you put up another length of fence and wait for the pigs to come, eat, and become used to that fence line.

This is done until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate and the pigs are inside the area eating the corn, for they will enter through the gate for the free food.

As you shut the gate, the pigs will become alarmed run around and around inside the fenced area, but they will become used to the captivity and go back to eating the corn.

Thus the pigs have accepted their captivity, and they live under their new bondage.

We Americans, if we’re not careful, will become as these wild pigs; we will be content with living in captivity with all of our socialist perks.

What perks am I talking about, you ask?

I’m talking about supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, farm subsidies, welfare, free medicine, free drugs, cheap imported laborers, and so forth.

These things are the beginning of our loss of freedom, for under the socialist system we all are equal except for the dictator, the queen, or the king (whomever you choose).

McCarthy was figuratively crucified for bringing this to the public’s attention years ago, and his enemies entered in and destroyed him, thus paving the way for the pig pen.

There’s an adage that says, ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch’, but if you believe that there is a free lunch, you’re are already a captive in the proverbial pig pen.

I know that the hog calling sounds of these uncaring pig-activist rings loudly in our ears stating that lunch is served, therefore, just follow me in the way and you’ll be free.

Therefore, be careful of whom you choose as your taskmaster, because some of our great legislators have already made our Constitution a partially aborted screaming pig fetus.

Oink, oink

Workers’ Compensation

The other day, I was standing in line at my local pharmacy waiting for my Sweetie to get the usual run around by Worker’s State Comp (not the pharmacy) about her monthly meds.

I also found another woman in line that was going through the same ‘knock down, drag out fight’ in order to get her meds, and not because of poor pharmacy service, either.

It makes me wonder if these required insurance companies really care about customers or not; and I’ll bet the answer is not.

I think that having a compensation fund for workers who are injured or killed on the job is a good idea; however, I wonder if it’s worth all of the hassles one has to put up with.

To begin with, it’s called a State Compensation Insurance Fund and it’s mandatory for all businesses to have for those undesirable, bad moments that happen during working hours.

There are a few things that I don’t like about this ‘fund’, yet it’s a good insurance plan to have if you’re a business owner.

What I don’t like is that it’s a ‘State’ fund which brings politics into the picture, which means government is involved, which brings to mind a socialist backed connection.

What’s wrong with a good socialist backed movement, you ask.

Loss of freedom is the first thing that comes to my mind, unless you know a good socialist country that has the same freedoms that we have or greater freedoms than us.

Another thing that I don’t like about this ‘fund’ is that it involves insurance companies, and insurance companies are in business to take your money and place it in their coffers.

The problem that I have with insurance companies is that in order to get what’s coming to you as the beneficiary, you generally have to go to court and fight for what’s already yours.

I don’t want to forget another great reason for my dislike with a ‘State’ fund, and that is lawyer involvement.

Don’t misunderstand my dislike of lawyers, because there are some good lawyers out there who help people get what’s coming to them.

It’s too bad that there are a lot of lawyers who don’t assist with the good foundation that has already been laid, for they only cause division to a perfectly good system.

I bet someone is going to tell me that I need to work for a law firm and then I wouldn’t be so disgruntled with these lawyers perfecting a quasi-legal system to make it better.

For you information, I know many good attorneys who practice law and do a good job for the system, and yes I have worked for a great multifaceted law firm, and I loved it.

No, I wasn’t some janitor as many may want to declare; so pha-a-at-t-t.

The legal system was set up as cornerstone by the ‘Founding Fathers’ for we citizens to be able live with every freedom possible and enjoy life to the fullest.

That is until many of the people become complacent (as the case always seems to be), and the enemy walks in and takes charge.

But what does all of this have to do with the Workers’ Compensation Fund?

To begin with, this State Fund is a “self-supporting, non-profit enterprise that provides compensation insurance to employers at cost with no financial obligation to the public.”

This is not my quote; it belongs to State Comp through their propaganda literature.

So if you get hurt on the job, who really suffers in the long run?

You, the employee does, because it’s a compensation insurance fund that’s hard to truly collect from.

‘Oh no it’s not’, you say, ‘because I got compensated when I got hurt on the job.’

Sure you did, and you went back to work, since it wasn’t a permanent disability.

Be one of the few who are permanently disabled from an injury at work, and you’ll have fun trying to collect your full benefits without first going to court.

Do you then get your benefits?

No, not necessarily so, since “their doctor” is the “only qualified doctor”, and according to them, they’re never wrong in their diagnosis.

I’m told that you constantly battle with your State Compensation Board’s agent for your pain meds even if you do go to court and win your case.

You’re told that your meds are ready and you go to your local pharmacy to pick up your meds all to find that State Comp wants you to pay for them.

This State Comp game makes quick enemies between you and your local pharmacist.

I guess State Comp thinks that since you’re getting a monthly check too, you should use that to pay for your meds and live on the street and sleep under a bridge somewhere.

I’m told that your State Comp Board will try and make you go back to work even if you’re not able to do some of the simplest of jobs, which aren’t really that simple.

This is their co-out for not keeping their part of the court order, because they think there’s jobs our there that don’t require any physical movement like standing or sitting.

What employer will hire someone to just sit around and do nothing or visit friends all day and get paid for it?

Oops! I forgot that there are some jobs like that aren’t there?

It’s said that ‘State Comp employees provide full services for employers and their injured workers to keep the insurance cost down.’

My question and I’m sure it’s the same question for all of the permanently injured, is at whose expense is this ‘cost to be kept down’ for?

Is this cost kept down for State Comp to get richer, for the employer to pay more, or for the lack of benefits for the permanently injured employee?

Never, under any circumstance, have State Comp adjust, change, or update anything for you, because their incompetence will stick it to you and your account.

I’m not the injured one, but I am the one who questions the fairness for the less fortunate.

Heros and Villians

It’s amazing that in today’s world we have heroes and villains just like we see in the movies and on TV.

But when we see these people in everyday life, we mostly overlook them or we consider the source; uneducated, stupid, morons, idiots, and the list goes on and on.

But our local heroes, the original founding families, who tamed this wild stallion that we call Mesquite, were much more strapping and active minded, thus true heroes.

Some negative rhetoric is when we hear about a wannabe hero who spent an hour one week doing something with a pauper that he should have been doing all along, stealthily.

I personally get tired of hearing how some rich Hollywood pinhead did something and then wants to claim the acknowledgment to look important, and it’s all for naught.

Or we have some big deal rapper or some prima donna sports figure who thinks they’re something special, boasting about this or killing that or whatever they think they’re doing.

Or maybe someone gives up the interest that he made on his puny savings account, and then demands his tax write off.

Loser is the name that comes to my mind, but Villain is more appropriate since they think that they’re big heroes, and they don’t even know what they’re talking about much less the terminology.

This attitude is also seen in our workplaces from the top down, nothing but lazy, whiners crying about how hard it is to be a hero, and that it’s easier to be in hiding as a villain.

It’s not uncommon to hear a worker say, “I don’t want to learn how to do that job,” even when it part of the job requirement.

Or a worker play stupid and say, “No one has ever shown me how to do that job,” when in fact he did the same job yesterday.

Some people who have been hired to work just whine all day long and constantly find other things to do other than their specific job; another looser (Oops villain).

But to move the cloud of smoke aside in order to see what I’m talking about, let’s take a look at what a hero is all about.

One of the biggest fallacies in being a hero, even on the reality TV show named, “Who Wants To Be A Hero?” is that everyone dresses up like a costumed hero or clown.

Heroes don’t hide their identities, because they are regular people, unlike your average cartoon heroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

However in real life, all villains do attempt to conceal their true identity, since they are truly criminals or cheaters and they don’t want to be revealed.

One group of people who are heroes, even from the beginning of our Nation’s founding, are the veterans (men and women) who have strived to protect us and keep us free.

These are people who are ready to lay down their lives for someone else, whether in time of war to advance the cause or in time of disaster to save lives in our local communities.

Heroes are also found to be firefighters, and the police and sheriff departmental people, both men and women; therefore, my hat is always off to these brave heroes.

In our schools as well as in the workforce, there are heroes and heroines who stand out from the crowd of losers, better known as villains.

The hero or the heroine makes success happen, because he or she is a team member who subdues the villain, as they step up to meet any and all challenges.

Villains are always afraid and shrinking back, looking for a chance to cause division, and cause the hero to fall in disgrace, for there’s no compromise for the ‘Dark Side’.

In our legal system or justice system there are villains lurking behind dark robes, locked doors, and with pompous degrees.

The word villain is noted as, “a character who is typically at odds with the hero.”

Knowing my enemies as well as I do, the villain definition will be brought before the activist judge and he will state that a villain is good if not better than the hero.

And judgment will be made on the hero because the definition of a villain is negative and not PC Correct, namely “ahero.”

This is all because the villain wants to claim the ‘fairness doctrine’, because they’re not as smart as the hero.

As one Neanderthal stated one day, “Define the word ‘is,’ please”; however, I will say, “Define the word ‘hero,’ please.”

In the end, however, you decide who the hero is and who the villain is, because you alone must make the choice between good and evil from within yourself.

I know that ‘good and evil’ is not PC Correct, but then I’m always at odds with the villainous brotherhood or sisterhood who don’t know what it’s like to live in a socialist state.

Live without your American given freedom for one day, and you will know freedom.

You alone are either the light source and the hero or the source of darkness, the epitome of the villain.

Therefore step up or shut up, villain, because a hero doesn’t have to boast or prove his or her legitimacy.

Of course you can always believe or sing the song ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon, and believe that everything is make-believe and that you’re all one pinhead.

I prefer to sing Mariah Carey’s ‘Hero Song’ that states, “There's a hero if you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid of what you are. There's an answer if you reach into your soul”.

“So, when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong, and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.”

This is a victory song if you ask me, and it brings a tear to my eye, just like the National Anthem does and the Pledge of Allegiance, “under God.”

So what I am is probably the question of the day, but I’ll let you tell me who I am, because I have no doubt as to the correct answer.

Fast Food Intelligence

I can hear the rants now of how cruel I am regarding our fast food restaurant workers.

It’s interesting that when I went to school, I was required to know how to count and do all types of mathematics, but it doesn’t appear to be so these days.

We as an understanding society know that everyone isn’t as super intelligent as you, Doc, so get over it already.

Oh, boo-hoo.

Anyway, I went to one of the fast food drive thru restaurants the other day with my sweetie for breakfast, and paid for the food at the first window.

It was interesting, because the person who gave us our change apparently couldn’t count change correctly, thus shorting us on our money.

Maybe this person thought that they would take their tip out of our change at that moment instead of waiting for their shift change.

It was when we were driving to the other window to pick up our food that my sweetie had noticed that she was shorted on her cash back.

Of course, when you’re in line and you’re moving forward to the next window, you just can’t back up to the window that you just left, because of the cars behind you.

What do you do?

You keep moving forward, of course.

The window isn’t camera monitored as to show how much change you get counted back from the cashier.

What ever happened to polite customer service and the counting back of your change?

They just say what your change back is and you’re moving forward to get your food.

If I gave the clerk a twenty dollar bill and she gave me $5.00 and some $1.00 bills, I have to wait and count it back to make sure I got eighteen dollars and change back.

So, what do you do?

Do you stay at the window counting your change and hoping that you didn’t drop a coin or two in the process, thereby coming up short because you’re a klutz?

No, because if everyone did that, no one would get their hot, fast food meal, whatever it was that they had ordered.

Of course you can get your hot meal, drive to a parking spot, and then go inside to complain about the change shortage, but who would believe you?

After you get inside, are all of those people standing in line going to let you cut in front of them just to complain?

No, you have to stand in line and miss your hot number one combo or whatever combo number that you had picked, all for being short changed by a nickel.

You can then stomp back out to your car mad as a hornet and then have that cold combo waiting for you to return.

Oh yummy, cold greasy, tasteless blah.

Not only can’t these minimum wage earners make the correct change, they can’t get your order correct, either.

I wonder if that’s why they ask you two or three times what you ordered, just so they can get your order wrong.

My mouth is drooling for a number one combo, the Hefty Lamb Half Pounder with extra cheese and bacon only to get a Two Ounce Kangaroo Melt with extra hot sauce instead.

Or, I get some dried up biscuit thingy that was probably left out on the floor all night that just got picked up that morning and put on the steam table to make is seem fresh.

Oh yummy, yummy.

Am I done? NO.

I guess these franchise owners are so cheap that they don’t instruct their drive thru window employees to ask if we want condiments for our fries and or hash browns.

It couldn’t be that these employees are that lazy or that stupid that they won’t ask, ‘Sir would you like catsup or mustard for your fries?’

I do know that some of these fast food employees do ask what kind condiments you wish to have for your food, and because of this, that franchise gets my return business.

However, if the food is lousy, they can ask all they want, because they won’t be asking me, for sure.

Maybe I’m expecting too much in customer service from everyone that I come in contact with, after all I provide customer service wherever I go and I expect it in return.

Or maybe this customer service is something that fast food places aren’t concerned with, because they know that you will return when you get hungry enough.

We don’t eat out that often, because one never knows what one might be getting as food.

A nice sirloin sandwich might be something entirely contrary of what you may have thought it was; however, you can decide what you are chewing on at that moment.

Bon appetite, my friend.

Green Means Stupid

I’m tired of hearing the lies about global warming, so I decided to check it out for myself, and I found that I was right in my thinking and my observation of the facts.

And my findings indicate that the polar ice is BACK, all five million square miles.

So when it comes to global warming who am I to believe, credible scientists and climatologists or an idiot like Al ‘Mr. Eco’ Gore and his nonscientific ideology.

I think that Gore really believes that the polar bears are drowning (becoming extinct) and the penguins are flying away, but then that’s my observation of this looney-tooner.

It’s amazing that Al ‘Eco’ Gore refused to take the ‘Personal Energy Ethics Pledge’ at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on March 21, 2007.

Why would Mr. ‘Eco’ refuse to take this essential Eco Pledge?

This whacked-out hypocrite can’t even follow his own eco-religion correctly let alone tell others how they should eco-live it.

I can cite authority after authority with PhD’s and other scientific geniuses on this subject, but unless you check for yourself you won’t believe me no matter what I say.

Amazingly there’s global warming in the universe and specifically on the planet Mars with its ‘increased temperatures despite lack of humankind.’

I found another interesting fact, and that is an ‘advance and retreat of polar ice’ on the planet Mars, much like that of Earth.

Yes, ‘Mars might be just coming out of an ice age’.

When the Earth came out of its past ice ages and supposed global warming periods, I find that life was not hampered nor destroyed, but it thrived. Why?

Also, Jupiter is in the midst of global climate change that will alter temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Celsius, getting warmer near the equator and cooler near the South Pole.

It’s also noted that “Pluto’s atmospheric pressure has tripled over the past 14 years, indicating a stark temperature rise.”
It’s proposed that ‘the change is likely a seasonal event, much as seasons on Earth change as the hemispheres alter their inclination to the Sun during the planet’s annual orbit.’

What? Global warming may not be due to us stupid non-eco-idiots emitting CO2 gases from our vehicles or coal-fired plants…amazing.

Fact, Dr. Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, maintains that there has been LITTLE or NO warming since about 1940.

Another interesting fact that I’ve always wondered about is why global warming seems to change daily.

It’s stated that water vapor (H2O) is Earth’s primary greenhouse gas, which leads to global warming.

This source go as far as stating that “water vapor contributes to the natural greenhouse warming process by approximately 60%.”

Also the rain and snow systems control how warm or how cold temperatures get on Earth.

It’s stated that ‘these weather systems directly limit how much of our main greenhouse gas, water vapor, is allowed to accumulate in the Earth's atmosphere.’

Furthermore, our biased eco-nuts continually misdiagnose the positive feedback regarding the temperature changes, because their equipment is not up to specs.

Some thermometers measuring temperature changes are placed outside by their air conditioning units, thus measuring the heat changes of the air conditioning unit.

On another front, Andrei Illarionov, an adviser of former President Putin, states that Kyoto is a ‘smokescreen of propaganda, like those ideologies of human hatred’.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus even states, “the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity…is not communism or its various softer variants."
Klaus continues, "Communism was replaced by the threat of ambitious environmentalism."

Senior Fellow Dennis Avery of the Hudson Institute said that “300 scientists have refuted at least one element of the global warming SCARE.”

Avery said that they have found evidence that a natural moderate 1,500-year climate cycle has produced more than a dozen global warmings similar to our current one.

Furthermore, Avery said “that since the last ice age such warmings are linked to variations in the sun’s irradiance.”

Still further, ‘these scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850.’

More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. (including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties) have signed a petition rejecting “global warming”.

“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate”.

I knew that these eco-morons weren’t telling us the truth and that all of these readings that they’re reporting were false.

Of course you can read the US Senate Report on Global Warming to see who is looney and who’s not.

Here’s looney; a man in Denver was trying to go green with his new house construction project until he was told by the city he would be penalized $9,000 for doing so.

Ken Oakes told reporters, "We want to build our house as green as possible, and that includes solar panels on the roof."

When the workers from the solar system company arrived at Oakes’ home, they brought with them some bad news.

There was a large Honeylocust tree that towered over the southwest corner of the house that would block the sunlight to the solar panel system.

So, Oakes then decided to cut the huge tree down for his house to be green.

However, Douglas Schoch, of the city's forestry division, said that there will be a $9,000 penalty, because that's what the city has decided the tree is worth.

The city arborist had e-mailed Oakes two options: protect the tree and move the solar panels somewhere else, or remove the tree and pay the penalty.

What a decision; cut it down and you pay, because there's no appeal process in eco-land.

The city told Oakes, however, that he could plant upwards of 45 other trees in the yard, at the estimated cost of $200 per tree credit which would wipe out the penalty.

This makes me want to just eco-puke.

Everybody Is An Expert

What amazes me, and this esoteric thinking will never stop to amaze me, is that immigration attorneys believe that they are economic experts, too.

This attorney, whom will remain nameless, was trying to equate apples with grapes and maybe an orange or two, and he probably can’t even balance he own checkbook.

I’ve worked different types of security for a number of years, but that doesn’t make me an expert security advisor for the CIA or Interpol.

I’m not an attorney, but I know what an attorney wants, since I was trained and accredited as a paralegal.

Most attorneys need paralegals to do their work, but yet a paralegal can’t practice law unless you belong to the brotherhood, and then you’re an attorney; not a paralegal.

I’ve noticed recently that some NASA scientists believe that they are experts in ecology and the entire eco system just as the ex-vice president thinks he is an expert.

Who knows what kind of a scientist these NASA people are, for they work in theory only.

For example, just because the clouds are gathering doesn’t mean it’s going to storm, and so the best laid plans of mice and men usually comes to naught.

If I’ve had (and I have had) training as weatherman, does that make me and expert in the eco system or a NASA scientist?

I believe that I have more knowledge in climate control than a certain Nobel Peace Prize Winner, but do you see me getting such an accolade?

I can tell if the polar ice is melting or if it’s going to rain, snow, or sleet, so where’s my Nobel Prize?

Even with this, you’re not going to see me out trying to scam everybody into buying my products just because we live in one of the sunniest place in the United States.

Just like I thought; I seem to say the wrong things at the right time.

In fact, I’ve even stepped out and stated that most PhD’s are loons, and for my reward, I got flack about stating my point of view.

I’m not a PhD; however, anybody who wants to take the time and listen to a PhD talk on a subject, one can detect if the PhD has done his or her homework.

Most have not done their homework, but just because they have a PhD, all of the uneducated and stupid people listen and take what’s said and take it as gospel.

Because people have a PhD doesn’t mean that they’re more intelligent that the next person, because research is the key to any discussion, and the lack of it is stupidity.

Lawyers think the same way; because I’m a lawyer and went to law school, I know.

Bull is my response.

Medical doctors, EMT’s or paramedics think that just because they’ve had a crash course in biology and anatomy, they to can speak freely, and that what they say is correct is hooey.

Archaeologists are funny people to listen to, also.

Archaeologists think that because someone thought up a process to date something, it’s a perfect measurement in equating today’s things to yesteryear and it has to be truth.

Some equating would be that of measuring a prehistoric animal with a deer of today or a giraffe of today, and on and on, just because they found some bones.

I remember the Java man or ape-man, since he was considered the intermediate form between modern humans and our so-called common ancestor the great apes.

Java man’s discoverer, Eugène Dubois, did not find a complete specimen; he only found remains which consisted of a skullcap, a femur, and a few teeth.

Interestingly enough, our greatly over-educated idiots we call scienctist were able to make an upright walking male speiceman from these three items.

If I were to go out into the desert here in Mesquite and find a toe bone, a fingernail, and a strand of hair, could I make the cliam that I found Java woman?

Of course not, because it would be the remains of the rare Hare Sand Tortise or something like that.

Who knows, next we might be teaching the world religions in our public school system and how they’re much better than Christianity.

Hm-m. I hear wheels turning already.

Carbon Footprint Hoax

I was watching this program the other day about the carbon footprint that we all are leaving behind everyday that we live.

As the program continued, the host showed the viewers all sorts of things that we use every day, thus subliminally intimidating the viewer to stop living in the 21st Century.

With this line of subliminal torture, the weak minded person would follow after this Pavlovian conditioning and end up starving to death because of an invisible footprint.

To me, this program was so obnoxious that I was tempted to turn the channel to some programming that was more intelligent, like TV Land or the Soap Channel.

I did, however, change the channel and left the host babbling about some stupid, non-existent carbon footprint that some idiot had dreamed up to make a fast buck on.

But to be more specific, the subliminal message was being instilled into some unsuspecting child’s mind that being an American pig would pollute the whole world.

It was at this point that the emcee should have shown some zombie with a yellow happy painted face playing on some wind powered generator or solar collector chanting I’m one less.

Anyway, the hidden lie is that with all of this waste we are polluting the earth; but maybe these perfect ones should live in a third world country for a year then talk to me.

Being stressed is that all of these by-products came from all of those trees that you all killed which then contributes to the carbon footprint, which in turn contributes to global warming.

As the usual propaganda goes, the program showed the hundreds of empty cartons from the pints of milk that we devoured needlessly and sinned by using paper base containers.

It makes me wonder if we all should have had our own cow for our milk consumption, and if so, then we’d be right at home in the Stone Age.

If that’s the case, I won’t be in to work tomorrow, because it will be the ‘Day After Tomorrow’, and the wheel probably wouldn’t have been invented to drive to work and pollute the atmosphere.

Here’s my update on this; trees are a renewable resource, and both paper and cardboard are recyclable, you morons.

I was surprised that they didn’t break the illustrations down into smaller portions like half pints or smaller to show more empty milk cartons cluttering and destroying the earth.

That’s how these carbon footprint propagandist intimidate John and Jane Q. Public, by breaking things down into minute particles and making them feel guilty.

On the other hand, if these opportunist want to make you feel guilty in reverse, they go to the opposite extreme and talk in thousands of dollars, millions of units, or tons of poison.

Therefore, you’re stuck, as many southerners say, like a ‘pig in a poke.’

If what they said wasn’t so stupid, I’d believe it and become a disciple, but I’m not that naïve to believe what other people tell me unless I can verify the truth of the matter.

Clinging to this axiom is how I was taught at home, in school, and in the military, and I have never been disappointed from following it, ever.

However, I do believe that I did miss all of the college propaganda from ‘Red Square’ by a few years.

It seems that I was born on the skirts of a generational gap, and all through life I was always part of the latter and at the beginning of the next.

When I left high school, the teachers were still highly educated and the students hung on to the truths of the lessons, thus graduating as an educated generation of people.

In college, my professors were not radical raving idiots preaching and proclaiming that hating America was the ultimate high, much as they do today.

Quite a few people, however, have latched onto this radical, raving, idiotic style of teaching and have become intellectual prostitutes of America.

But let’s get back to this carbon footprint special.

I along with many others understand that we are all stewards of the earth, but to let the alarmist blame everybody for what they can’t do anything about is ludicrous.

I believe that Mother Earth is alive and that she’s combating the changes that she’s going through just like we do as we combat our ailments or ills and then move on.

Of course I don’t expect most of you to believe me on these issues, but that’s your right; however, remember that after you’re dead and gone, your carbon footprint still exists.

But if you’re just going to sit there dozing off and doing nothing, don’t say that I didn’t tell you so.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kill the USA Enviromentally

Well, I see that our Great Moron of a President wants to shoot things into the sky to stop the eco system from malfunctioning. Great idea, BOZO. In the mean time as we all look outside we can see or maybe we can't see the shrapnel falling back to earth and in our eyes. Well that could work, because we couldn't see the smog or eco system fail. Great idea BOZO. It's funny that there's no eco warming yet they want to correct it. It's even stranger that eco cooling is okay. I wonder when these morons are gonna give up their lear jets, hummers, SUV's, etc and live in a tent? You show my yours and I'll show you mine. I think that these idiots really want to make everybody slaves to rule over them and they can be the king and whatever other stupid thing they want to be. I think it's time for a revolution. And we better hurry, because our guns will be next and only the idiots will have guns. It's not like the idiots don't have guns now, just look at all of the killings that have happened since Obama became president. What do you think?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Rebuilding Of America

First, I want to state that what I say here has nothing to do with being Democrat or Republican, for I have voted for both parties, and I chose whom I thought was the lesser of two evils.

Second, I want to see Obama become the President that America needs for this day and age, but I guess that it will all play out in the end.

Nevertheless, this ideology is not something that started with Obama, for this struggle continues from yesteryear unto the present where America is in its last stages of a tumultuous pregnancy.

All of this, however, started with one Joseph McCarthy, when in 1954, Edward Murrow’s TV Show “See It Now Program” hosted one of the most prominent attacks on McCarthy's methods of attacking the Communist Party USA.

On this program, McCarthy accuses the Democratic Party of "twenty years of treason," and stated that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was “listed as 'a front for, and doing the work of,' the Communist Party.”

McCarthy was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the federal government and elsewhere.

An example was Roger Baldwin who was the founder of the ACLU who boldly stated, “I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth,Communism is the goal”.

Still further, it has been stated that the Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, and the Democratic Socialist of America have been moving secret socialist into the Democratic Party for some time.

To infiltrate the dogma of these three groups, henceforth known as the “Brotherhood”, they have stated that first they must “use union muscle to get who they want elected.” Second, “use front groups and unions to push socialist policy inside the Democratic Party, thus make communist and socialist policies ‘respectable’ by giving them a Democratic Party label.”

And third, “use our sympathizers, allies and secret members inside the Democratic Party to get our socialist policies passed into law.”

I can already hear the “Drive-by Idiots” calling me a McCarthyite for quoting their grandiloquent rhetoric.

However, the PC-Idiots like Bill Maher, Al Franken, and the “Drive-by Idiots” would say that these quotes are their “freedom of speech rights,” but for anybody outside of their PC-clique, it is blasphemous to be said; and thus we see the hypocrisy.

Some well-known members of this “Brotherhood” are Sweeney, Schakowsky, Ickes, Soros, Moyers, and many more too numerous to mention in this article, but they can be “Googled.”

So far we’ve all seen the “Brotherhood” give Geithner, Rangel, Frank, Dodd, Daschle, and Franken (just to name a just few), a pass for their crimes and tax evasion, but for we of “Main Street,” we get a resounding, “SCREW YOU” off to prison you criminal.

Who else but the Democratic Party dwells within the shadows of the illegality and the unethical areas of the lunatic fringe?

However, the best examples of socialist inspired “Change” on a major scale were Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” both of which Obama wants to implement, today.

The “New Deal” promoted banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, agricultural programs, and industrial reform, which were good ideas.

Unfortunately, the “New Deal” coalition was comprised of the Democratic Party, Big City Machines, labor unions, liberal farm groups, intellectuals, and the “White” South.

This socialist coalition, however, fell apart, but it remains the model that Democratic Party Activists seek to replicate today to push forth their socialistic agenda.

However, this ideology didn’t end when the “New Deal” fell apart, because later another “Young Turk” came along named John F. Kennedy.

JFK, as the Democratic nominee, at the Democratic National Convention coined the term, “New Frontier.”

Originally, the “New Frontier” was just a slogan to inspire America to support him, just like Obama’s jingle, “Change we can believe in.”

The New Frontier program was intended to boost the economy again, to provide more international aid, and to provide for national defense.

Kennedy said, “We stand at the edge of a New Frontier, a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and dreams, a frontier of unknown opportunities and beliefs in peril.”

Then one day, Camelot along with the New Frontier began to crumble and then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson took control of the collapsing dream and created his own Utopian dream.

LBJ was responsible for designing the "Great Society," a set of proposed domestic legislative programs that included civil rights laws, Medicare, Medicaid, and aid to education and welfare.

The “Great Society” in scope and sweep resembled the “New Deal” of FDR.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel one day had asked the members in a cabinet meeting, “What's the difference between Communism and Capitalism?”

She then answered, “The Communists nationalizes all the companies first (sound familiar?), and then ruins them.”

Therefore, my concern is why do our politicians keep choosing failed systems to rule the people when both Communism and Socialism have been proven complete failures as governing systems.

Tomorrow will be one month for the Obama presidency, and I wonder what other failed projects will be resurrected, how many other good things will be desecrated, and how many more lies will be tolerated?

One thing is for sure, we will continue to hear all of the BS from the “Brotherhood” like, “These were careless mistakes. They were avoidable mistakes, but they were unintentional. I should have been more careful” and not gotten caught, “I’m NOT A CROOK.”

April’s Fool

I find it funny that April Fool’s Day came on January 20th this year, and everybody was celebrating in the streets while Obama was being sworn in as the President of Fools.

If you don’t believe me, ask anybody in a foreign country and they’ll tell you the same thing, and it will remain so until he can pull the transparent wool over their eyes.

Of course, one doesn’t need to ask any foreigner that question, especially since our great administration’s Attorney General thinks somewhat the same way; that we are a “Nation of Cowards.”

The first African-American attorney general, Eric Holder, boldly stated that America is “a Nation of Cowards” when discussing race, because we only mix with each other when we’re at work.

Can you translate that for me, because I’m not that swift since I didn’t get an affirmative action law degree, nor was I born into a rich family, nor was the silver spoon inserted at birth.

Come on, let me hear your foolish rants, “You racist, how dare you talk like that, especially about our president and his administration.”

First, I’m not a race-baiter like the many that are out there (like Democrats) and get free passes, for my family is an interracial family just like my president, but unlike my “white” vice-president.

Secondly, I’m also qualified to receive affirmative action monies for whatever, so it appears as if my opponents are the fools – again.

I wonder if Michelle, as ‘First Lady’, is still proud of her country or if she now thinks that we’re a “Nation of Cowards” too or if she was “slapped” with a gag order regarding this issue?

Every photo op that I see of President Obama, Michelle, and the children, there seems to be an absence of white people, so does this mean that they are the “Cowardly First Family?”

Now there is a mixture of people when I see them at work in the White House or at a speaking engagement, but according to Attorney General Holder, that’s normal at work but not at home

So does Holder’s home lifestyle live up to what he has stated or is he just another political liar and hypocrite?

Nation of Fools or “Nation of Cowards” who are we; and what befalls Mesquite in April?

Here’s the biggest fool and coward of all, $13 a week as my share of the stimulus package.

What the heck am I gonna get to do with my politically foolish $13 a week, except to pay higher taxes, thanks to our transparent president who refuses to prove his American citizenship.

When the Bush administration gave out a $600 stimulus last year, the Democrats really ranted; however, with Obama’s stimulation we get flipped off while the tax cheating Dems cheer and their cronies get billions of dollars in bonuses.

This year, the Democrats have already spent more money than George W. did in the last seven years, for Katrina, for Iraq and for Afghanistan; therefore, stimulate that.

I can hear the left wing bomb throwers already, “Blah, blah, blah”; but what they don’t know and yet show how stupid they are, Obama isn’t going to change how budgeted items are allocated.

Michelle Obama, for one, said that this $13 "doesn't pay down every bill every month".

For the “First Lady” you’re really smart Michelle; did you get your new diamond earrings to match that rare $30,000 diamond-encrusted rhodium ring that Barak gave you, so you’d shut up?

A trinket that “Main Street” could never afford in the good economic times, let alone in these bad economic times.

So, what will I do with my HUGE rebate, thanks to our generous millionaire President and his millionaire lackeys in Congress, who are out of touch with Main Street?

Will I spend it like the one that George W. gave me last year or will I put it under my mattress, since I don’t trust any of the “nationalized banks” which are managed by the federal government?

Let’s look a little closer at that statement.

George W. wanted we Americans to stimulate the economy even though the “Do Nothing Congress” refused to work with him, and yet I did my part for “My Country.”

Yes, I did my part to help others keep their jobs, and that is spending money, even though I could be unemployed at anytime, since the economy is still in the toilet, thanks to this administration.

So, am I going to spend my $13 a week on my new truck payment which I bought to stimulate the economy, or am I gonna be able to “pay down every bill every month?”

I overheard entrepreneurs talking about how Obama was destroying America, and that he with his egalitarianism is causing a complete collapse of the local economic system through his fear mongering and incoherent mismanagement.

And so I understand that tens of thousands will be turning out to throw a rebellious TEA party on April 15 to protest the wasteful government spending of this out of touch administration.

In other words, “taxation without representation;” something that these brain dead political lawyers should already know about.

This April protest is inspired by the Boston Tea Party of December 1773, an incident which protested British taxation on the American colonies without representation in Parliament.

From what the invitations state, everybody is invited, because Thomas Jefferson said, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.”

Change Who Can Believe In

Ever since the primaries for the 2009 Presidential Elections, all I’ve heard was CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE, but change who can believe in?

Here Obama has been in office as the President of the United States for close to 100 days, and what change for good and prosperity has taken place?

One change that I hear is that we of the United States of America are in a ‘Post-American World’, which means that we are no more than a competing geopolitical center that’s dominated by Asian interest.

China, for those who don’t know this financial information, owns $585 billion in U.S. Treasury Bills, making them the premier foreign investor of American wealth.

Why would a Communist nation like China want a toe hold in America like that, not to mention the "Tusunami Class" atomic submarine base located at Pier J in Long Beach, CA.

This base is reported to be owned and operated by the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) and the Red Chinese, and has been okayed by the US Federal Government.

Another ‘CHANGE’ is that we are all “citizens of the world” whether we want to be or not, because Obama had told the world while campaigning in Germany that he was a “citizen of the world”.

That wouldn’t be so bad except that this is what the United Nations wants to happen to further push it’s hatefully jealous agenda forward, thus making the most prosperous nation a failure.

When Obama stated that his administration would be transparent, did he mean an opaque ‘transparency’ when he spoke of this or was he pulling the transparent wool over our eyes?

All I know is that whatever it was that slid off Obama’s ‘silver tongue’, it was guaranteed to be forked – and yes, I spelled the word correctly – no other meaning but a forked silver tongue.

As we look at these new jobs that are suppose to help America get back on her feet, we find that they will be union backed jobs: no union card, no job.

If you lift that transparent piece of wool from your eyes, one will see that only those of the ‘card carrying’ brotherhood will be employed, for the DNC will reap the financial benefits, not ‘Main Street”.

Should I be proven wrong in this afore mentioned matter, and non union employees be hired to work on the roadways and bridges, healthcare and educational jobs, and the new energy grid, then these workers will get minimum wages for not being union members of the brotherhood.

In talking about the ‘Brotherhood’, I find it hilarious as I listen to the ‘Gaffing’ members of the Obama administration, especially his ‘supreme representative’ Barney Frank.

Frank’s latest is calling US Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia a homophobe, because of differing personal views, and Frank thinks that his view is the right view and everybody else’s view is not; something typical of the propaganda that the ‘haters of America’ love to endorse.

I, on the other hand, personally think that Frank is ‘heterophobic’, and therefore, I personally don’t care what people believe to be right or wrong, because “I” is always right.

Bow unto me

I find it amazing that everybody who's following the great messiah Obama into the chasm of "change", as un-transparent as it is, do so with their eyes wide open, yet dimed.
It wasn't until recently that I found that his holiness bowed submissively unto the Saudi king upon being introduced to him. However, upon meeting the Queen of England, he only nodded to both she and her husband. The U.S. queen, the first lady, apparently in disregard of protocol just had to place her arm around the Queen of England. This bold move symbolized that the U.S. queen was superior to the Queen of England.
I find that all of this pandering is crap, since you can take the bum off the street, but you can't take the street out of the bum. Trash is trash is trash.
My only conclusion is: Beware for when you fool with trash it gets in your eyes.
I know that no one will believe me, therefore, you may view this for yourselves. Just click on this link: