Saturday, April 4, 2009

April’s Fool

I find it funny that April Fool’s Day came on January 20th this year, and everybody was celebrating in the streets while Obama was being sworn in as the President of Fools.

If you don’t believe me, ask anybody in a foreign country and they’ll tell you the same thing, and it will remain so until he can pull the transparent wool over their eyes.

Of course, one doesn’t need to ask any foreigner that question, especially since our great administration’s Attorney General thinks somewhat the same way; that we are a “Nation of Cowards.”

The first African-American attorney general, Eric Holder, boldly stated that America is “a Nation of Cowards” when discussing race, because we only mix with each other when we’re at work.

Can you translate that for me, because I’m not that swift since I didn’t get an affirmative action law degree, nor was I born into a rich family, nor was the silver spoon inserted at birth.

Come on, let me hear your foolish rants, “You racist, how dare you talk like that, especially about our president and his administration.”

First, I’m not a race-baiter like the many that are out there (like Democrats) and get free passes, for my family is an interracial family just like my president, but unlike my “white” vice-president.

Secondly, I’m also qualified to receive affirmative action monies for whatever, so it appears as if my opponents are the fools – again.

I wonder if Michelle, as ‘First Lady’, is still proud of her country or if she now thinks that we’re a “Nation of Cowards” too or if she was “slapped” with a gag order regarding this issue?

Every photo op that I see of President Obama, Michelle, and the children, there seems to be an absence of white people, so does this mean that they are the “Cowardly First Family?”

Now there is a mixture of people when I see them at work in the White House or at a speaking engagement, but according to Attorney General Holder, that’s normal at work but not at home

So does Holder’s home lifestyle live up to what he has stated or is he just another political liar and hypocrite?

Nation of Fools or “Nation of Cowards” who are we; and what befalls Mesquite in April?

Here’s the biggest fool and coward of all, $13 a week as my share of the stimulus package.

What the heck am I gonna get to do with my politically foolish $13 a week, except to pay higher taxes, thanks to our transparent president who refuses to prove his American citizenship.

When the Bush administration gave out a $600 stimulus last year, the Democrats really ranted; however, with Obama’s stimulation we get flipped off while the tax cheating Dems cheer and their cronies get billions of dollars in bonuses.

This year, the Democrats have already spent more money than George W. did in the last seven years, for Katrina, for Iraq and for Afghanistan; therefore, stimulate that.

I can hear the left wing bomb throwers already, “Blah, blah, blah”; but what they don’t know and yet show how stupid they are, Obama isn’t going to change how budgeted items are allocated.

Michelle Obama, for one, said that this $13 "doesn't pay down every bill every month".

For the “First Lady” you’re really smart Michelle; did you get your new diamond earrings to match that rare $30,000 diamond-encrusted rhodium ring that Barak gave you, so you’d shut up?

A trinket that “Main Street” could never afford in the good economic times, let alone in these bad economic times.

So, what will I do with my HUGE rebate, thanks to our generous millionaire President and his millionaire lackeys in Congress, who are out of touch with Main Street?

Will I spend it like the one that George W. gave me last year or will I put it under my mattress, since I don’t trust any of the “nationalized banks” which are managed by the federal government?

Let’s look a little closer at that statement.

George W. wanted we Americans to stimulate the economy even though the “Do Nothing Congress” refused to work with him, and yet I did my part for “My Country.”

Yes, I did my part to help others keep their jobs, and that is spending money, even though I could be unemployed at anytime, since the economy is still in the toilet, thanks to this administration.

So, am I going to spend my $13 a week on my new truck payment which I bought to stimulate the economy, or am I gonna be able to “pay down every bill every month?”

I overheard entrepreneurs talking about how Obama was destroying America, and that he with his egalitarianism is causing a complete collapse of the local economic system through his fear mongering and incoherent mismanagement.

And so I understand that tens of thousands will be turning out to throw a rebellious TEA party on April 15 to protest the wasteful government spending of this out of touch administration.

In other words, “taxation without representation;” something that these brain dead political lawyers should already know about.

This April protest is inspired by the Boston Tea Party of December 1773, an incident which protested British taxation on the American colonies without representation in Parliament.

From what the invitations state, everybody is invited, because Thomas Jefferson said, “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.”

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