Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kill the USA Enviromentally

Well, I see that our Great Moron of a President wants to shoot things into the sky to stop the eco system from malfunctioning. Great idea, BOZO. In the mean time as we all look outside we can see or maybe we can't see the shrapnel falling back to earth and in our eyes. Well that could work, because we couldn't see the smog or eco system fail. Great idea BOZO. It's funny that there's no eco warming yet they want to correct it. It's even stranger that eco cooling is okay. I wonder when these morons are gonna give up their lear jets, hummers, SUV's, etc and live in a tent? You show my yours and I'll show you mine. I think that these idiots really want to make everybody slaves to rule over them and they can be the king and whatever other stupid thing they want to be. I think it's time for a revolution. And we better hurry, because our guns will be next and only the idiots will have guns. It's not like the idiots don't have guns now, just look at all of the killings that have happened since Obama became president. What do you think?

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